Virginia Senate passes bill allowing assaulting a police officer to be a misdemeanor – IOTW Report

Virginia Senate passes bill allowing assaulting a police officer to be a misdemeanor

It’s open season on law enforcement, and now Virginia is piling on, removing any mandatory jail sentience for people who assault police officers. The bill says it’s a misdemeanor, as long as you don’t cause bodily harm.

You know what that means, right? Spitting, flinging feces, spraying urine, slapping, kicking, or RESISTING ARREST, are no longer a big deal.

Have at it, urchins.

This will make things worse, not better. This will open the floodgates on disrespect, causing the police, who are human beings, to possibly get baited into escalation.

wsls-. – A controversial bill is moving forward during the current Virginia General Assembly special session.

On Wednesday, the Virginia Senate voted 21-15 to pass Senate Bill 5032, which would allow an assault against a law enforcement officer to a misdemeanor if the person attacked is not hurt.

Here’s the summary of the bill:

Eliminates the mandatory minimum term of confinement for an assault and battery committed against a judge; magistrate; law-enforcement officer; correctional officer; person directly involved in the care, treatment, or supervision of inmates; firefighter; or volunteer firefighter or any emergency medical services personnel and provides that such crime can no longer be committed as a simple assault and must result in a bodily injury.

Summary of Senate Bill 5032

The bill also removes mandatory minimum 6-month jail sentence for assaulting a police officer.

27 Comments on Virginia Senate passes bill allowing assaulting a police officer to be a misdemeanor

  1. I hope POTUS Trump talks about this directy in tonights speech. This CAN NOT STAND. The Virginia legislators are attempting to legalize insurrection against the laws of the United States.

    This means war.

  2. Now why would they do this? Unless of course they don’t want Antifa assholes spending any additional time in jail. One of these days we probably need to take our country back,

  3. I read that as, ‘Virginia Senate passes bill allowing assaulting a senator to be a misdemeanor.’

    Because I don’t know who they think is going to protect them when they’re goofing around and traveling through out the state.

  4. I was communicating with a friend last night who is a Henrico County VA cop. I just sent words of support and encouragement. He responded in a despondent manner.


  5. The cops know they are disrespected, that they are on their own and nobody has their backs, this just codifies it.

    Naturally, this will lead to even slower response times, officers avoiding any proactive policing, more body cams mysteriously malfunctioning and if an assault does occur to any of them, they will deal with it themselves in some dark alley with no witnesses………….maybe that’s a good thing.

  6. If the number of sane common sense people still out number the fools, this kind of dumb assery, ought to insure Trump wins reelection, and the GOP holds the senate, and fires crazy Nan as speaker of the house.

    However, if the wise out numbers the fools seems in doubt on a lot of days. Then there’s over coming massive vote fraud by wide enough margin to seal the win, and send a clear message to the (D)umbass party their hate America message is a guaranteed path to losing political power.

  7. Cool.
    So can I get out of driving with a busted taillight reduced if I assault the cop?

    No offense Officer.
    Nothing personal .
    But I’m out of points.

    Haven’t the Dems heard of unintentional consequences?

  8. They’re also instituting the Black Miranda Warning:

    “You have the right to resist arrest. Anything you do will be totally cool in a court of law. You have right to representation by a raging mob of rioters. If you can’t afford one, a mob will be appointed for you by the court.”

  9. I met a really nice guy at my Knife shop in Toronto. He was a young but retired Virginia Police Officer who married & moved up here. He had been shot 3 times where the vest was not covering and a few times in the vest.
    What struck me about him was his very friendly nature and extreme politeness.

    The article made me think of that guy and how much worse it just got today for his former partners.

    In effect this law creates a SECOND CLASS CITIZEN based solely on their JOB.

    It is the definition of DISCRIMINATION!

  10. I will state for the record that some of the most pleasant people I spoke to at “Lobby Day” last January were the State Cops. They even had a sense of humor. I am sorry that vaginga has gone to the marxists and am happy to be gone.

  11. Fifty years ago assaulting a cop didn’t result in any additional charges. At least around here. Because an ‘on the spot’ correction was applied immediately.

    This legislation seems to yearn for a return to simpler times. I’m all for it. Let the officer use his judgement of the situation and the suspect in effecting the arrest.

    And just like it’s always been if you’re being arrested and don’t fight the cop, you won’t have an interesting booking photo.

  12. My old neighbor and cop had these words.

    Go vote and get as many people you know to register to vote. That’s the only solution to this madness. I am working on that.

    I will go one step further. Introduce a bill that lowers the penalty for assaulting an elected official to a misdemeanor and outlaw the use of state and local law enforcement as personal protection.

    If Governor Coonman signs this bill he should be as exposed to the lawlessness he has engineered as the rest of the citizenry.

    C’mon Ralphie. Show us your mad skills. <expletive depicting female body part starting with cu removed as I
    am trying to not be such a @‘#€%nt.’

  13. Virginia has gone completely off the rails since the midterms when democrats took complete control. Didn’t take long did it? And they call us nazis. PDT should use Virginia to illustrate what happens to this entire country if the dems take over. As far as I’m concerned it’s death to the fuckers.

  14. No. It did not take long at all @antidote.

    Let this be a lesson to every state. Leftists have their agenda well mapped out. Once they fool people into giving them power they sprint the finish line.

    These are evil people.

  15. As a medic/firefighter in VA, this bill troubles me. I am not sure what this actually accomplishes. Does it score points with mob? VA is dying. And why didn’t they include legislators (themselves) on the list of professions proposed in the bill?


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