Virginia Social Worker: I Was Fired Over My Concealed Carry Permit. Was She? – IOTW Report

Virginia Social Worker: I Was Fired Over My Concealed Carry Permit. Was She?

If there isn’t more to this story there is something very wrong going on here.


The National Rifle Association has filed a lawsuit over Florida’s new gun law, which increases the age to buy rifles in the state from 18 to 21. Republican Gov. Rick Scott signed the bill yesterday. Yet, the pro-Second Amendment organization should consider joining another lawsuit in Virginia, where a social worker was reportedly fired for being a concealed carry holder. On Facebook yesterday, Storm Durham, a social services worker, described how three Roanoke police officers escorted her out of her office. She said some of the officers had accompanied her on child services visits. Durham was also not allowed to use the bathroom on her way out due to safety concerns. On Twitter, Durham said that she’s seeking lawyers to fight this.


Some on social media are intimating that this isn’t a firing simply because the woman has a CC permit-

This is going to sound weird, but this is a case where I am hoping that there is more to the story. If people are going to be fired for exercising their rights, we are around the bend in this country.

Update: It’s also a possibility that the people that are popping up around this story, saying Durham was a risk and her boyfriend a danger, are doing so to build a case against her because they know it’s illegal to terminate someone for simply have a CC permit.

They could also reverse engineer this. They can find out you have a CC permit and then lean on you, make things difficult for you, and then use your reactions against you to fire you, when all along it was they hated the fact that you were pro-2A.



21 Comments on Virginia Social Worker: I Was Fired Over My Concealed Carry Permit. Was She?

  1. Other people are reporting that she allegedly got a bad job evaluation (she didn’t take criticism well and would lock herself in the bathroom crying.)

    Allegedly her boyfriend showed up to threaten the evaluator and then told other co-workers he’d “slit their throats.”

    If this is true, then why wasn’t the boyfriend arrested???

    I have nothing against Storm Durham, but like I said, for the country’s sake, I hope there is more to this story than her getting fired for having a gun permit.

    If this is true, we are in for a civil war.

  2. Aaamm, Aaammm….. for the love of God! I was able to watch a full 30 seconds of her video.. Damn!
    She maintains that she does not know nor has ever worked with Ben S Jackson. That said, I am sure there is more to this story. Although I will state; I would not be surprised if her telling is truth. Socialist Services for goodness sake!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. A couple thoughts. Have you EVER heard of a State employee getting terminated? Me neither. She seems pretty young. It’s been a long time ago, but I do remember on my initial ccw detectives interview being asked about traffic tickets, and a relative that had had a few scrapes with the law. So she has to have a pretty clean record. I do believe the hatred and ignorance of firearms has reached this level. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

  4. @ Bad Brad,
    Here in the Commonwealth, there is no interview associated with the CCW permit. Present your certificate of firearms proficiency, fill out the form, give ’em (in my County)a copy of your fingerprints, pay the fee and hand it to the Clerk. Presumably, the Sheriffs office does a NICs check and checks your name against their own records, then they send it to you in the mail…. bastards want more money every five years though!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Ahhh the crying fits in the bathrooms. We had one of those in the customer service dept at a job a looong time ago. A woman of a million excuses. Sometimes she would leave early in the day, not show up for days after. She was on a bad menstrual cycle, she had a doctor’s appt., she had a migrane, she requested time off and they must have forgotten to tell anyone about it. So many excuses. They finally had to cut her hours down so low until they got rid of her. They were afraid to fire her because they thought she’d pull the ‘sick’ card and call the labor board. ugh. In the meantime, her co-worker had a heart attack and came back to work within the month. AND she gave them 2 months notice before she quit. Some people are just wastes of space.

  6. When I read this story this morning, it didn’t ring true to me. Social workers are hard to come by and harder to keep–especially those who work for the government. I’ll wait for the rest of the story.

  7. MJA pegged this. Take a look at that girl’s linked fbpage. She has a picture of herself with a pink yetti and pink thurmos. She always has an excuse. It’s never her fault.

    This is BS. If they fired someone because of their CC Permit then they needed to have fired someone believable for the story to have any weight. These good looking girls with the pink Barbie accessories are always trouble in the workplace.

  8. She comes across as someone who casts herself as a victim in life. You know, her problems are never because of herself.

    That kind of person can suck the life and joy out of anything because it’s always your fault she did something you had nothing to do with. Being out of a relationship with her, business or personal, is the only way to stop it.

    Good riddance.

    If you don’t know why I know this – you must be new around here. 😉

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