Reminder: Virtual iOTW Get Together – IOTW Report

Reminder: Virtual iOTW Get Together

 I have set up a Zoom meeting for Saturday, 1/30 at 7:00 PM Eastern / 4:00 Pacific

The Zoom meeting ID is: 846 5941 4655

The link itself contains the password, so anyone clicking on the link, or pasting it into a browser will be connected.

The direct link is:

-Roger F

80 Comments on Reminder: Virtual iOTW Get Together

  1. Yay! I can finally come to something! I have a deadline this weekend so might not be able to stay for the whole thing (depends how long it goes, though), but I’ll be there!

    See you at 3:00!

  2. Regrets. I will not do zoom. Yes, the billionaire owner was born in the U.S. and has American citizenship, but he not only went to university in China (why?) but also a large portion of his work force is in China (why?); and security breaches.

  3. I look forward to seeing / hearing / chatting with those who can make it. I do understand that some cannot, or will not. One of the reasons I am doing this on Saturday this month is because some cannot make weekdays and missed our last one.

    For those that asked, that link should take you into the meeting as the hash does include the password. If it does ask you for a passcode: 3GNkUL
    If you are DHS, that passcode will not work.

    When you connect, you should be able to set your ID to whatever you want, so feel free to use your IOTW tag, or your real name.

    @Claw – congratulations. That is a great excuse not to attend. I wish you all of the luck and maybe you can send a soundclip to BFH and we can play it during the meeting 🙂

  4. CC – have fun. Wish I could join you, but my back has put an end to most of my downhill activities.

    Redgrandma – if it goes like last time, it will be 3 hours long, so late isn’t a problem 🙂

  5. I couldn’t make the first one, but I’m gonna give this one a try. Looking forward to it.

    RogerF do you act as a moderator, or is it just a free for all? And is Fur going to be attending, or does he make an unannounced cameo guest appearance?

  6. Stirrin – no moderation. The only thing I do is set up the meeting. After you join, it is an open forum. This time I will try to spend a few minutes about future options, but that is it

  7. @RogerF and @The Claw of Bluegrass – I want to hear/see the gig in one of those zoom panels…you know, some music for the kitchen counter gathering?


    Also @COB – where’s the gig?? How many band members and what instruments?

    Finally, is there a website or other where we can HEAR you?


  8. Distinct possibility. Will be playing rent-a-cop, but Saturday night is a no brainer (fill a chair no more) if occasional background noise of radio traffic does not disqualify. Suppose I could mute…

    Reposting a new thread with the link again tomorrow right…?

  9. I’m gonna run out buy a camera and dress in woman’s clothing just so this is sure to be inclusive! No changed my mind.
    I’m kind of shy and am afraid of what i might look like on a Zoom call.
    Plus if i dress in woman’s clothing i would have to shave,after 46 years of sporting either a full beard or goatee,just don’t have the balls to do it.

  10. @Aaron Burr – just send that Chinese guy from last time.

    Even if you a busy…

    He was a weal wiot…

    @antidote – ‘Guess I’ll have to clean up…’

    Don’t fret, just wear a ‘decent shirt’, as my mom use to say…


  11. I am going to disagree with Ghost. Just wear a shirt. I don’t care if it is decent, or not 😛

    And for those who have asked, I am working with BFH to get this reposted, or a sticky. Not sure it will happen, but I hope so

  12. I’ll bring my Petey B and my Petey B will bring my unbleached elastic starfish so you can all ZOOM in on my unbleached elastic starfish!

  13. I don’t think I’m alone, but every time I see a post from that starfish guy I lose interest in everything else that’s said. It doesn’t make any difference if it’s a regular that thinks he has a comedy routine going, or if it really is a demented piece of shit intruding on a normally wholesome blog. That guy needs to be disappeared.

  14. The worst part is, it’s one of us who mistakenly thinks it’s funny. I’m pretty sure I know who it is. I hope I’m wrong. Thought he was smarter than that. This has run it course.

  15. I don’t like technology. I’m already deeper in it than I care to be but I’m tempted. I’ve already got everybody visualized in my head and wouldn’t want to be let down. Damn Brad’s image scares the hell out of me!😉

  16. Seeing as Zoom is a Chinese company may I suggest heavy use of some of the following terms?

    Chinese Virus
    Wu Flu
    Beijing Biden
    The election was stolen
    Taiwan is sovereign
    Made in America
    Chinese Virus

  17. I think I just might lurk this time. Don’t have a mic or camera on my monitor (dinosaur) and I only use my laptop as my ‘server’. I’d have to dig it out of it’s hiding place. If there is a chat feature, just might throw in a few pearls of wisdom here and there…LOL!

  18. I tole you, Chasten, there’s no ELASTIC left!
    More like a wet paper towel.

    That rectal prolapse still feels good, though!
    I gotta kinda rub it, like I do with a NaturaLamb.

  19. Thanks to RogerF for organizing tonight’s gathering. The conversation was enjoyable and it was good to speak live to real people that I interact with under avatars and assumed names here on iOTWR.

    Of course, the image you saw of me was CGI and the name I went by was fake too. But other than that, it was real tonight! 😉

  20. Awwww! Rats! Geoff C. and I were at a clients new home today, prepping for a 6000 sf interior paint job. Great pay day coming up, but it means Saturdays for the month of February. Hope you all had a good time!

  21. @Abigail Adams – btw, congrats on landing that contract, but don’t die’ there. DO your great work and get to the next one!

    I painted seven closets in two days this past week at a job site…

    Could talk about an entire thread about house painting and prep, moulding, doors, hardware…

    That COULD be a topic on the next zoomy thread.

    House renovations and remodeling…


  22. Say hi to Pamela and Robert Spencer (my non-zoomer pals) as I have not seen them much since CPAC in 2010 and during the Ground Zero Mosque awakening efforts in the years following. I will probably be in Florida later this week and maybe “your people can contact my people” (lol) for lunch or something near WPB as long as my car, in storage near JAX still works and I can afford the round trip to your place. I am waiting for the predicted Nor-easter to fizzle out first.

  23. As @stirrin the pot pointed, or wondered out loud, we spanned about 10 time zones tonight…

    From Alaska to London?!?!

    Think ABOUT THAT.

    That’s pretty dam good.

  24. I was listening, great meet up guys. Loved hearing names and matching up voices. Maybe I’ll be brave enough to make an appearance next time! Thanks Roger F., great job as organizer and moderator.


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