Virus Paranoids Getting Multiple Jabs – IOTW Report

Virus Paranoids Getting Multiple Jabs

Business Insider

A growing number of US residents are doing the same thing: getting under-the-table booster shots to decrease their odds of getting sick or infecting others. Two other “multi-vaxxers” told Insider they, too, recently got an extra dose to protect against the Delta variant. More

25 Comments on Virus Paranoids Getting Multiple Jabs

  1. Are these the same idiots that voted for Biden, all 80 Million?
    I think they should get as many shots as they want.
    Neurological problems aren’t any of their concerns.

  2. That asshat Ted Rall is bragging about his third jab. Here, Ted…let me hold the door for your #4 at the jab shop. Just don’t be spewing spike proteins on me as you walk through.

  3. The more the better for these clowns so we won’t have to deal with them when the repercussions start to take effect.

    Still, the down side is I’ve noted this issue breaking up families where adult siblings shun those who won’t get the jab. And some holding the grand-kids as hostage to force grand-parents to get the jab.

  4. I found them all while I was perusing Reddit looking for some pictures. Figured /pics/ was a good place to look. Nope.

    Mind you this sub is NOT a political sub and it’s NOT a covid sub.

    All the multi-jabbering Bidet voters are on the TOP 3 posts. Have a look, you’ll find them in the comments.

  5. I watched the video linked from somewhere else about how this whole thing is a giant investment scam, with both the viruses and the vaccines patented well in advance.

  6. “Still, the down side is I’ve noted this issue breaking up families where adult siblings…..”

    Sadly, it plays right into the hands of the satanic worshipers themselves.

  7. Monday at my husband’s Drs appointment, just about everyone coming in were getting their 2nd shot. I had to sit in a room with all of these people, so obviously masks don’t work as everyone had to wear one.
    Thursday night my lower back starting cramping horribly bad, something that hasn’t happened since my days of women shit I finally stopped years ago. Went to the bathroom and was spotting, something I haven’t done in years. My husband Thursday night started having a headache and joint pain that lasted until Saturday.

    I really want to start slapping these people. What the hell are they spreading? Not one of them was within 6 feet of us except the nurse and doctor, both of which had not been jabbed and the owners of the clinic have been making them all be tested 3 times a week.

    A coincidence? Possibly, but I’ve sat in many offices since my husband got cancer and this is the first time I know for a fact we were sitting with people who had gotten the shot, and it’s the first time we had weird shit happening after sitting with other people.

  8. ORWW – Here’s my hope for you.

    Last year I was diagnosed with a Bosniak cyst on my left kidney, which turned out to be stage 2 renal cancer. I had the kidney removed on July 31st, and three subsequent CT scans since then have shown no recurrence of cancer.

    However, since my nephractomy I have found myself being overly sensitive and aware of pains, which have turned out to be nothing.

    My hope is that what you are feeling and experiencing are more driven by the mind and not the body. May God bless you and comfort you.

  9. I actually love the fact that Trump is hyping the vaccine. Talk about a psyop to trick uniformed, non-critical thinking individuals into killing themselves…..


  10. I don’t think so, it went away. However, I don’t think your mind can start spotting. To be honest I was worried the next day and had kind of forgotten about it by Thursday.
    I always had a tipped uterus, so cramps all of my life were in my lower back, not much in my stomach and I always had back labor with all 3 kids. So I recognized the cramps, although not something I’ve had in years.

    This was after a short time though in the same room with them. A friend of mine was telling me about a nurse that is a family friend of his and she quit her job because she was giving these shots every day and she started having severe menstrual cramps and heaving bleeding that didn’t stop for weeks. She had taken two weeks off with doctor appointments and tests and they could find nothing wrong. After about a week off the cramping and bleeding stopped. When she went back to work within 3 days it started again. That’s when she quit, believing it was giving the shots causing it. Since she quit she’s stopped again, but it concerned if it did something long term to her that they won’t discover for awhile. She went to work in a pediatrician’s office that refuse to give the shots to kids so she wouldn’t have to ever be around them again.

    She reported it to her employer, VAERS and even the CDC and FDA, but she heard nothing from CDC or FDA and her employers told her that was impossible and all in her head or she has something wrong with her they haven’t found yet.

  11. Trump is playing a losing hand hyping the jab. If he was smart he would hype speed in which the roadblocks were taken down, but he will be killing himself politically if he doesn’t denounce the end product. I’m convinced that the swamp was prepared for this from the get go. Trump played into their hand by making the EUA simple.

  12. If it is indeed the experimental gene therapy – which I do not doubt that it could be – then I hope that you find relief and compensation when the right time presents itself.

  13. The world is more dangerous and even those of us who won’t take the shots have no idea how much we’re going to be effected by those who did take the shots.

    I’m old so I really don’t care to die, would prefer not to suffer though. lol I do worry about my children and especially my grandchildren.

    Even if we all survive the effects the jabbed give us, we are the new Jews. They’re now talking digital passports that will also be tied to internet service. So all of those who thought well I can just do my shopping online, nope they’re going to keep you off the internet as well.
    No traveling, no tags, no DL, the list is endless they can do with digital passports, although driving will cost most too much when they start tracking your every movement and mile to tax thanks to the Republicans.

    America the one major stumbling block to a one world government is being torn down thanks to stupid Americans scared of a damn virus.


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