Visa Caves, Will Re-categorize Gun Purchases so Democrats Can Flag Them – IOTW Report

Visa Caves, Will Re-categorize Gun Purchases so Democrats Can Flag Them

Does that include politicians’ credit cards? Who What are they buying?

Breitbart: Visa caved to the demands of New York Democrats and gun control groups and will recategorize gun purchases in a way that allows them to be flagged.

On August 28, 2022, Breitbart News noted Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, Giffords, was urging major credit companies to flag gun and ammo purchases via a new sales categorization.

Giffords posted a tweet which said, “The shooters in at least 5 mass shootings have stockpiled guns & ammo using credit cards and killed 145 people. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express have the power to flag suspicious purchases and save lives. Call on them to act.”

On August 30 Breitbart News noted Democrat New York lawmakers were urging major credit card companies to create a new firearms-specific category code which would in effect flag gun purchases in the state and around the country. more

39 Comments on Visa Caves, Will Re-categorize Gun Purchases so Democrats Can Flag Them

  1. I wonder how long it will take for the government to control and monitor the use of credit and debit cards. We’re on a slippery slope to becoming the United Communist States of America (UCSA).

  2. “…I generally pay cash for that kind of stuff; trace that…”

    Then you’d better be prepared to fight tooth and nail to keep the government from eliminating cash and converting to all digital currency.

  3. Other than purchasing from people I know, without receipt, I only shop at gun shows, and only buy private sale guns, and only pay cash, so no federal paperwork, just a generic receipt.

    Oh wait, I mean that\’s what I\’d do if I was ever in the market for guns. Which of course I never have been. I mean, I\’m just a harmless oldish lady who gardens and bakes pies and works jigsaw puzzles. I wouldn\’t know how to hit center mass from 50 yards out or have a favorite ammo manufacturer like Hornady or anything like that.

    And even if I did, everything would probably have been lost in that tragic boating accident we were all in a few years ago.

  4. More progressive b.s. More than 90 percent (probably higher than that) of crime that involves guns is committed by felons with stolen guns. So again, we’re punishing and tracking law abiding citizens while criminals run rampant in most democrat controlled cities in our country.

  5. I am certain the government already tracks your grocery store purchases through store ‘courtesy cards’ and credit cards. But them I am told I am a ‘crazy conspiracy theorist from Mars’.

  6. Here’s a little more detail into what was just agreed to. I worked for ████ for eight years before retiring.

    1. What’s being added is a Merchant Category Code (MCC). There are lots of them as you might imagine, and the new code almost certainly identifies stand-alone gun shops. If you purchase a firearm at a general sporting goods store, the MCC in your transaction record will be the sporting goods MCC, not the gun MCC.

    2. The MCCs are decided by the international standards group ISO. All credit card companies use the same ones. There will be no difference in tracking between VISA, Mastercard, AmEx, or any others.

    3. Personal credit card transaction data does not carry anything to identify what you actually purchase (e.g. SKU).

    4. Business/Corporate credit card transaction data DOES include the exact items purchased. But anybody who uses a company credit card to buy a gun or ammo is an idiot who likely will be fired…unless he’s buying stuff for a security company as part of his regular job duties.

    5. One class of cardholder analysis looks for changes in behavior, usually focused on flagging fraudulent charges. Have you ever gotten one of those calls from your card issuing bank asking if you just charged a $1,500 Aspen ski vacation package? That kind of fraud detection relies on knowing your typical activity and recognizing such a charge is atypical. This also goes for geographic region, and is why sometimes when you’re traveling you get a call about a legitimate purchase because you made it away from your home area.

    6. Given #5, it would be best to continue to use your credit/debit card(s) just as you have in the past, typically food, gas, clothing, utility payments, etc. Any sort of change will raise a flag. This is usually simply for fraud detection, but it could also be for TPTB to check if you’re some sort of anti-govt ultraconservative. (I hope you are one, but the govt disapproves, sometimes violently).

    I would rather that they had not added this new MCC. It is a worrisome step in the wrong direction. I hope the above will make it easier for someone to know just how to change, or NOT change, their credit/debit card behavior.

    (I’m a regular commenter, and you’ll likely know who this is by writing style and quirks, but I think this post is best made anonymously.)

  7. Bullets, primers & powder, still very limited and unfortunately in my neck of the woods you most often have to go online and use the credit card.

    If you find you favorite components locally grab them up. Certain individuals are no longer making fun of me for what they called unnecessary amounts when they come “hat in hand” asking if I could spare…

    Will there be “///” in the body and/or verification when I hit “post comment”?

    Let’s try it and find out.

  8. “[This] a major win for gun control advocates who say it will help better track suspicious surges of gun sales that could be a prelude to a mass shooting.”

    I’m tempted to go purchase a bunch of guns with a credit card, sit back and wait to see what they try to do to me. I do still have rights, ya know. I mean, what are they gonna do, red flag my ass? Say I’m mentally insane for buying 20 guns? I can’t kill 20 deer with 100 round clips at the same time? Somehow PROVE I WILL at some time in the future go on a mass shooting rampage? I just don’t get it. I’d tellem “it’s none of your fucking business” for every single question I’m asked. Fuck these commies.

  9. I just live under the assumption that the government knows everything that I do anyway. I’m not saying I approve or that I don’t hate them for it… I do hate them for it. It’s just easier and less stressful for me to function when assuming the absolute worst from them. BTW, FJB.

  10. Anyone who has ever had a background check to buy a firearm, is already on the government’s “list”, regardless of what the law says. If you think otherwise, you are living in a fool’s paradise.

  11. “Other than purchasing from people I know, without receipt, I only shop at gun shows,”

    Holy crap. Is this an FBI guy? As an FFL who’s attended many gun shows in several states I can tell you that’s a bull shit statement unless he meets the after the show’s over. And that’s damn doubtful.
    There’s no such fucking thing as the “Gun Show Loop Hole”.
    But thanks for playing.
    And this guy got 15 TU’s from you suckers? Holy shit.

  12. Iteresting to note that neither VISA nor so-called ‘gun control groups’ have demonized the US politicians who accept kickbacks (think NY’s KICKBACK KATHY HOCHUL, SCHUMER, GILLIBRAND et al) for allowing the guns to be smuggled into the nation in the first place. No smuggling group as seen with guns and illegal drugs can be trafficked into the nation without the “permission: of politicians who allow for a kickback fee. Note also that no democrat has called for gun-toting streetgangs, organized crime members, and drive-by killers of pets, children in playgrounds, and babies in strollers to be exposed and arrested for illegal gun use. But it’s ok for mysonhunterJoeBiden Hunter Biden to purchase and carry an illegally-gained gun as displayed on THE BIDEN LAPTOP.

  13. Iteresting to note that neither VISA nor so-called ‘gun control groups’ have demonized the US politicians who accept kickbacks (think NY’s KICKBACK KATHY HOCHUL, SCHUMER, GILLIBRAND et al) for allowing the guns to be smuggled into the nation in the first place. No smuggling group as seen with guns and illegal drugs can be trafficked into the nation without the “permission” and open-door policy of politicians who allow the trafficking, sales, and use for a kickback fee. Note also that no democrat has called for gun-toting streetgangs, organized crime members, and drive-by killers of pets, children in playgrounds, and babies in strollers to be exposed and arrested for illegal gun use. But it’s ok for mysonhunterJoeBiden Hunter Biden to purchase and carry an illegally-gained gun as displayed on THE BIDEN LAPTOP.

  14. Note that neither VISA nor so-called ‘gun control groups’ have demonized the US politicians who accept kickbacks (think NY’s KICKBACK KATHY HOCHUL, SCHUMER, GILLIBRAND et al) for allowing the guns to be smuggled into the nation in the first place. No smuggling group as seen with guns and illegal drugs can be trafficked into the nation without the “permission” and open-door policy of politicians who allow the trafficking, sales, and use for a kickback fee. Note also that no democrat has called for gun-toting streetgangs, organized crime members, and drive-by killers of pets, children in playgrounds, and babies in strollers to be exposed and arrested for illegal gun use. But it’s ok for mysonhunterJoeBiden Hunter Biden to purchase and carry an illegally-gained gun as displayed on THE BIDEN LAPTOP.

  15. @Brad — Here in Florida, tables at gun shows can be bought by non-FFL individuals. They commonly have a lot of miscellaneous stuff and a few firearms. Any gun purchase from one of them is a private purchase so there’s no 4473 and no NICS check. Although some gun show operators have caved and require all gun transactions, even private ones, to include background checks, the practice of private sales at gun shows still goes on here.

  16. Hi, Brad –

    Here in Indiana it’s like Uncle Al described above. Private sellers are allowed to buy tables (or share tables with dealers, or actually are dealers but are selling some items from their private collection) and are allowed to operate under Indiana’s very pro-gun owner laws. That means that while dealers have to go through the NICS process the private sellers don’t – it’s cash and carry.

    Brad, we’re in a generally safe space here, and while I realize I’m newish as a commenter I’ve been a lurker for years. I’m certainly not saying there aren’t FBIers and other unsavories here at times, but I’m not one of them, and I don’t want to be reamed out for telling the truth.

    So maybe before you jump into attack mode you could hit pause long enough to find out if what the other person is saying could possibly be true… because while you may be acquainted with the gun show laws in your state, you’re obviously not aware of the gun show laws in Florida and Indiana at least, and no one deserves accusations and hostility because you’re reacting before you bother to research.

    And for the record (also good to research before assuming) I’m not “this guy” – I’m an adult human female, and I’m just about as far from being an FBI type as you can get.

    So… I don’t want to be at odds with you, Brad, and I’m reaching out with an olive branch. But I also don’t want to be accused of subterfuge or being a spy when all I’m doing is telling the truth. Hopefully you’ll reach back and be an adult human male and apologize, and we can start over from there.


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