Visitor Logs Deleted at The Penn Biden Center – IOTW Report

Visitor Logs Deleted at The Penn Biden Center


Special Counsel Robert Hur could not determine who had access to Joe Biden’s stolen classified documents stored at Penn Biden Center because security deleted all the visitor logs from 2017-2021.

According to Hur, Joe Biden kept more than 600 pages of classified documents in unlocked drawers/closets at the Penn Biden Center and stored some of them in dilapidated boxes in his Delaware garage and other unsecured locations.

The FBI identified numerous folders, including many labeled “EYES ONLY VPOTUS” which contained highly classified material related to intelligence sources and methods. More

7 Comments on Visitor Logs Deleted at The Penn Biden Center

  1. Dammit, those visitor logs were stored right over here next to the nuclear codes. We did have a couple of Boy Scout troops on tour a few months ago; maybe they took them.


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