Viva Frei Explains – IOTW Report

Viva Frei Explains

Viva Frei Explains the Outrageous Injustice of this Kangaroo Court Show Trial.
(It’s going to help Donald Trump)

20 Comments on Viva Frei Explains

  1. If anyone thinks that we’re headed towards banana republic Third-World Shithole status.. I got news for ya, today we crossed the line. Were already there folks! So much so that I actually wonder if these Socialist/Communist democRATz are going to move up the time-table for martial law. These guys are running scared and will likely start cracking down on the so-called MAGA “Terrorists”. I hope not, but who knows what they are likely to do when these outlaws are scared of what might happen especially when they don’t care about the rule of law, the Constitution and the American people.

  2. I overcame my dislike of this guy and watched enough to figure out that he wasn’t explaining anything to me I hadn’t figured out already. Maybe I hit the STOP button too soon, but I doubt it.

    For the last several hours, I’ve had recurrent mental images of Br’er Rabbit and Br’er Fox, and hearing, “Don’t fling me in that briar patch!”

  3. I was waiting for an appropriate place to post this. I guess it’s gonna be here. Work, early. Got out of the gym this evening, killer back routine, headed across the street to Safeway for dinner. So the new hire fat Hispanic checker is gloating over today decision while he’s looking up how much my Cucumbers cost on his little Safeway computer, Cept he’s searching under Q. I spent a fair amount of time explaining how fucking ignorant he was and why he should not be allowed to vote. The three people behind me were laughing their asses off. The dude might have been one of the trolls here.

  4. I don’t think the libs would have pulled this had they not been confident that they can control elections with their Dominion machines and their mail in ballots. They hate losing …ever and always get their revenge. In 2000 and 2016 they didn’t stop attacking until they got their power back.

  5. Silence from the judicial system in America tells it all. And for NYers it’s time to bail out and find a state with smart humans, it’s not NYS and the fools in Albany destroying justice.

  6. Watch what happens when the dirty judge gives Trump a prison sentence. The entire city of NYC is run by the kind of assholes who get on HOA boards with the intent of stealing people’s homes on the most trivial of covenant violations.

  7. We’re still a couple of months short of when some few states will see a sudden increase in their voter rolls. After the election there will be a proportinate decrease in registered voters. This is how they have voting numbers to take an election. Happened in ’20 and ’22. The backtrace data on those registrations will disappear. Not one instance of this irregular data phenomenon has been pursed in court. All the above is fact.

  8. ^^^^
    “New Arrivals” get $9k, a free phone, a health care card, and a Voter Registration Card. And the true number of these invaders is currently pretty close to 22 mil from what I’m reading and according to Tucker who say their goal is 33 mil.

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