Vivek Rumors Heating Up – IOTW Report

Vivek Rumors Heating Up


51 Comments on Vivek Rumors Heating Up

  1. I like a lot of what Vivek R. has to say, and seriously DISlike some of his positions. President Trump could do worse so I’ll try not to be overly critical. But I still think we need a better insurance policy VP pick, so I’d rather see Alex Jones on the ticket.

    I’m MOSTLY kidding.

  2. GOOD! Ramaswamy has one huge thing going for him that no other candidate besides Trump has. He is not a lifetime politician. Do I agree 100% with everything he has said? No but he is not a professional politician! To me that puts him miles ahead of everyone else.

  3. dman Sunday, 11 February 2024, 18:40 at 6:40 pm

    I will vote for Trump, no matter. I had rather he choose a Christian as a running mate.

    I’d rather that Trump be a Christian himself. By their fruits you will know them.

  4. Apropos of nothing, really, but the first thing I thought of was that photo of Romney and Trump having dinner. But I tend to make weird connections like that, so never mond.

  5. I like the heck out of her, but Kari Lake has no administrative experience. ZIP, none. Vivek is another good businessman. Which is what we need to get our country back on track. Intelligent decision making.I just wish I trusted him a little more.

  6. Not Vivek. He’s not to be trusted. Research his history. We have some posts that list them here. Check them out.

    President Trump, please don’t be deceived by his current behavior. It’s all talk.

  7. I agree with Tim, he would be excellent with the press. And in a role that he can easily be removed from if he strays from MAGA.
    Or possibly czar of shutting down departments, as he has suggested.

  8. Sorry, but I still believe the guy is a Soros plant. Says whatever he thinks you want to hear him say. Let’s hope Trump has learned from his absolute failure of first-term administration appointments.

  9. “On paper ramaswamy is to the right of Trump”

    You know the cool thing about paper is it just lays there and you can write any damn thing you want on it. Application becomes slightly more difficult.

  10. Like his official position of using the military to bomb the cartels In Mexico to stop this fentinal crisis. you know… that paper Brad. Even Trump didn’t call for that. Will you trust Trumps call when he picks the dot Indian as veep?

  11. “Like his official position of using the military to bomb the cartels In Mexico to stop this fentinal crisis. you know… that paper Brad.”

    Read it. Got a good laugh out of it. What do you suppose NATO’s position would be about us bombing a neighboring country? “Bombs” are far from surgical. Sending in Seal Team Six might have made more sense. What are the chances he could possibly get Congressional approval for such an act of war? Thank you, you just proved my point. Trump would hurt them so bad economically he would force the Mexican Government to fix their own damn problem. Honestly I thought this was one of the absolute dumbest things he ever said.

  12. Hey dumbass, Brad LOSERBOYTOY, you know Mexico has taken over from your #1 Communist country on American imports. Yep Mexico is now producing more goods than China for America.

  13. “Hey dumbass, Brad LOSERBOYTOY, ”

    I guess he thinks I’m sexy. I’m often called a boy toy. Usually by little basement dwelling pussies that get all wet of the idea of me throating them.

  14. “agent orange stuff, BOY.”

    You know he’s talking about the Cheetos dust on his face. His mom throws down a new bag every thirty minutes. She wipes his ass too. To bad he learned to type.

  15. “Taylor Swift & Kansas City for the win! Swifties foreverah.
    No Donald, Taylor has made her choice! America not Russia, commie loser.”

    You stupid fuck. We should all listen to Taylor (Not So) Swifts opinion because she’s an expert in world events. She has a masters in World Econ and Global Relations. But she makes her money singing about ex boy friends with really small peckers.


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