Vladimir Lenin and John Boehner have a couple of things in common – IOTW Report

Vladimir Lenin and John Boehner have a couple of things in common

U.S. President Barack Obama (C) walks between Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (L) (R-KY) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) at the beginning of a bipartisan meeting to discuss health reform legislation at Blair House in Washington, February 25, 2010.    REUTERS/Jason Reed    (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS)

RedStatements: Both are willing to fill the streets with dead bodies in order to stifle dissension and both are/were piss poor leaders.  Boehner who has an embarrassing conservative rating of (CR35%) is in the middle of purging large numbers of republicans who would rather serve the people who elected them than the demands of Barack Obama.

Obama ran on a platform of “Forward”, while Boehner is ruling under the motto “Bend Over Forward”.  The American people came out in droves in 2014 to finally put an end to the Obama caliphate only to be betrayed by the likes of John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise.  The top three leaders in the House have an average conservative rating of (CR51%).  That’s not what we voted for.  more

9 Comments on Vladimir Lenin and John Boehner have a couple of things in common

  1. We elected Republicans thinking they would support us in the middle class and we get no support from them but are instead stabbed in the back. How do we get rid of the Republican Congressional power structure?

  2. And I just saw that Tea Party Hottie, Jason Chafets just offed a coulpa Conservs for betraying the beohner

    Just WhereTH is Beohner’s luxury mansion down there on the Florida panhandle, anyway? Gotta be worth a picture or two.

  3. Remember the end of the movie “Animal House,” the “Where Are They Now” feature?

    Do you remember the sad fate of Doug Niedermeyer, the unsufferable prick who was the president of the rival firat?

    “Killed in Viet Nam by his own troops.”

    Yup, that’s precisely the kind of guy Boehner is.

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