Volcanoes are cooling our planet – IOTW Report

Volcanoes are cooling our planet

Ice Age Now:

Powerful high-level eruptions have been ongoing at Raikoke volcano, Russia ever-since the massive unexpected explosion that took place on June 21-22.

According to the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Tokyo, that eruption sent volcanic ash to an estimated 38,000 feet (11.6 km) above sea level, which is now shifting at 20 kts in a NNE direction.


On June 18, multiple major-level eruptions took place at Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano in just 24 hours, continuing the stratovolcano’s powerful uptick of late.

According to the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington, the largest eruption fired a thick ash column to an estimated 42,000 feet (12.8 km) above sea level, and comfortably into the stratosphere.

And on June 9, Sumatra’s incredibly active Sinabung Volcano exploded in spectacular fashion again, sending volcanic ash high into the atmosphere. The explosion also coincided with a minor G1 geomagnetic storm.

The Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin is warning of a thick ash plume rising to a lofty 55,000 feet (16.7 km).


And another one just popped….

13 Comments on Volcanoes are cooling our planet

  1. Wait, these volcanoes are spewing megatons of CO2 into the atmosphere and the planet is COOLING? Shouldn’t it be warming up so fast our eyebrows would crisp?

  2. Help the planet. Cook thick Rib eye steaks on charcoal. The particulate from charcoal helps block the sun and keeps us cool. Also rare meat keeps the cucks away.

  3. Let me guess, the global warming fortune tellers will attempt to explain that global cooling was caused by all the global warming, without a wink a nod, and a tilt of the head.

  4. When Mt. St. Helens blew up on May 18, 1980 I was in a bike race along with my brother out in Cheney, Wa. and we barely got home before they closed down I-90 onto Spokane. The whole next week we were covered in at least 6 inches of volcanic ash or more in places and everything was shut down for a week because you couldn’t drive anywhere. And a lot of babies were born 9 months later, some of them named Ashley. It was a great week to be home with my young wife since we couldn’t go anywhere. And my dad who was hard of hearing swore up and down he could hear Mt. St. Helens explode all the way up here 300 or more miles away when it blew up. I’m glad this was a once in a lifetime event, it was an interesting week or so afterwards dealing with all that ash on the ground and I probably still have a jar or so of volcanic ash hidden or stored around here somewhere.

  5. Yes, the ash will filter sunlight which will cool earth temps and slow or eliminate crops. Yellowstone has a sobering display about the overdue monster caldera and how the ash will spread over the globe. Kinda takes the fun out of bear sightings and geyser gazing.


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