Volunteering to give away maybe the last shred of privacy- and paying almost 1000 bucks to do it – IOTW Report

Volunteering to give away maybe the last shred of privacy- and paying almost 1000 bucks to do it

Look for California wannabe celebrities to start putting the latest in these vanity plates on their cars.

At $699 (uninstalled) and $7 a month thereafter, a driver can have digital billboard plates put on their car. When the car is stopped it will flash a custom message of your choosing.

“You suck at driving!” (Hey, maybe this could be fun?)

Here’s the idiotic part- the technology was developed for municipalities for fleets of driverless cars. This is the way they can track the car’s movements. So if you buy the plates, your movements are tracked.

“But why should I fear this technology? Only a criminal would fear being tracked!”


When California starts rationing how far a fossil fuel car can travel, you’ll remember laughing at my warning.


ht/ fdr in hell

13 Comments on Volunteering to give away maybe the last shred of privacy- and paying almost 1000 bucks to do it

  1. “Only a criminal would fear being tracked!”

    No. A criminal will take the plate off and throw it into something moving. Like the back of a pick up truck.

  2. And when a group of “mostly peaceful” lefty thugs runs through a grocery store parking lot with a bat, smashing the LCD display license plate on every car:

    1) How long will those drivers have to replace their plates before being ticketed? How will this time be tracked?

    1a) More revenue from ticketing people with broken plates! whoo-hoo!

    2) Who pays for the replacements? The driver, or the state?

    2a) Tax increase to pay for plate replacements! whoo-hoo!

    2b) Replacement times will of course be longer than the allowed time for replacements…more ticket revenue! whoo-hoo!

    3) How long until someone figures out how to hack these plates, either directly or remotely?

    3a) Fender-bender? Quick, change your plate before driving off.

    3b) Avoid renewal fees by changing your expiration date.

    3c) Stiff penalties for the above which of course will only apply to second-class citizens: whites, conservatives, men, the usual crowd of fucked-over people.

    3d) Harass your enemies by hacking THEIR plates, and turning them in before they’ve noticed that it happened.

  3. Always looking at the negative, eh guys!
    This is going to lead to giving those prison inmates who slave over those licenses plate stamping machines all day more free time to play basketball, lift weights, work on a new shank or watch TV and stuff. Come on….

  4. Stewart said the city likely also will experiment with the plates as message boards. When a car is stopped, Stewart said, the license can display programmed public service messages, such as…

    …hand over your wallet. Or STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!

    The govt’s meaning of “service” is the same sense as a bull servicing a heifer.
    Or a mohammadman servicing a goat.


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