Voodoo! – IOTW Report


Wait For It sent this in. It’s an interesting paper shredder experiment.

A guy shreds a photo and he’s able to make 2 photos from the shreds. Then he splits the two photos and makes 4.

In essence the guy is manually lowering the resolution of the picture by sharing them to make a separate one.

It’s a cool display of how little information we need in order to recognize an object.

If only we could do this with money!

16 Comments on Voodoo!

  1. “If only we could do this with money!”

    You can. It’s called COUPONS. People don’t realiize they’re just like paper money. Add to that (varies by region) “buy one, get one free” or “double/triple your coupon value” deals, and you’ve got it.

  2. Isn’t that kind of the same thing Hillary, Comey and some others did electronically?
    Scrambling bits, reassembling bits, keep repeating, till what was left, looked completely different from what originally existed. Then charged Trump created the final image.

  3. Blink, theose crooks actually invented most of the cr*p out there, moreso than scrambliing and reassembling…but, yes, they *are* experts at the “fog of war” thingy.

  4. In his lecture on IQ and intelligence, Jordan Peterson says we need very little information to figure out the world around us. He uses the South Park characters in their simplistic depiction to show that we don’t need a lot of information to follow the story and what the characters are all about. This trick with the photo illustrates how little information we really need in order to understand the world around us.

  5. We control the Vertical and Horizontal…
    They combime to make a 50 percent reduction.
    This is a visual simulation of video interlacing.
    And how TV works, in reverse.
    The reason he ends with 4 is because the passes were done seperatly. Bit of stage magician manipulation there.
    The secomd pass was rotated 90 degrees.
    They combine for an overall 50%+/- reduction
    The equivilent of 1 VHS interlaced frame split into 2 fields of 1/2 resolution each.

    It’s not VooDoo. It’s Magic.

  6. Yes, that is a pasta machine. I doubt you could do the same with my cross cut shredder. Which is basically useless to me now that I just burn whatever I used to shred.

  7. The other thing I find amazing is how a little information, when not provided, can make the whole picture unrecognizable.

    Think of those 12 square image puzzles, or our current issue with the DOJ and FBI holding back certain evidence of the Killary/0bolo crimes so we can only guess at their lawlessness.


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