Voodoo Cursed – IOTW Report

Voodoo Cursed


The fire began when a passenger lit a candle to start a voodoo ritual, police spokesperson Arold Jean said.

Survivors told local media that the voodoo ceremony was meant to bring luck and help the boat avoid being intercepted by the coast guard.

“This devastating event highlights the risks faced by children, women and men migrating through irregular routes,” said Gregoire Goodstein, IOM’s chief of mission in the country. More

11 Comments on Voodoo Cursed

  1. I have a German friend who owns a four-unit apartment building in Brookhaven, GA. He’s fairly conservative for a German, but he has some bleeding-heart tendencies and kept his rent too low, among other things. I kept telling him to raise it at least a little to weed out some…risks, shall we say.

    But he wouldn’t do it, and he kept getting burned by bad tenants. He was almost literally burned one time when he rented to a whack-job Haitian woman. She would go to work and leave candles burning in each corner of every room. My friend found out, and he told her she couldn’t do that, and suggested she use electric tea candles. Naturally, she refused and kept burning the candles.

    Instead of kicking her voodoo ass to the curb, my fool friend would go in after she left (He also lived in the building) and put out the candles. She actually had the gall to complain about it. And it wasn’t just during the day; she burned them all night, too.

    The only way my wimpy friend got rid of her was when the other three tenants raised hell about living in a fire-trap and questioned his sanity for living there, too. He’s finally raised his rent, and he doesn’t allow pets anymore. And I haven’t heard any landlord horror stories lately

  2. There was a story a few years ago of an Indian woman firing up her kerosene brazier in the back of a train car to heat up her lunch, and of course burning the car down to the axles.


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