Vote Passes 56-44 In The Montana House, Bill To PROHIBIT Foreign Sharia Law – IOTW Report

Vote Passes 56-44 In The Montana House, Bill To PROHIBIT Foreign Sharia Law


**Article updated on 25 March 2017 At 11:31 PT; The ban was passed in the Montana House and aimed at preventing all foreign laws from being enacted in the U.S. (including Sharia law, which was mentioned specifically).**

Many on the right know that Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has brought forth a couple of ideas for making sure that sharia law can never be welcomed into America. He wishes, as do many sound minds who honor the precepts of liberty, to halt the hold that radical Islamic practices would have upon our culture, and those who would suffer mercilessly under it. Under this awful rule, humans are treated as objects to be abused for the smallest infraction. This is all due to the teachings of a man who claimed to get the divine message of Islam in between marrying children and trampling the rights of Jews and Christians.

After worrying about the “intent” of a bill to “prohibit state courts from applying foreign law” and to stop the honoring of sharia from poisoning the West as it has the Middle East and is doing in London, the legislation moved onwardIt passed the “House largely along party lines with a 56-44 vote” (confirmed by Billings Gazette). Maybe some were worried that the law would be used as it should be, not just against sharia law, but against the United Nations, NATO and any other foreign body who the left worships. THAT is likely what their main concern was, and it is something that could really help America escape the evil edicts of the NWO.


15 Comments on Vote Passes 56-44 In The Montana House, Bill To PROHIBIT Foreign Sharia Law

  1. Thank goodness! Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi being stripped to the waist and whipped for offending someone with her hand gestures?
    That’s done in public, you know.

  2. You would think Sharia to be something Liberals would unjustly accuse conservatives of. Anti Gay anti women etc. Their hatred for Judeo Christian values outweighs their intolerance of faux phobias.

  3. The 44 who voted against it; fucking mental midgets. should be imprisoned, stripped of US citizenship. See how they like being “forced unfairly” by someone else’s decisions. Leave ’em there to rot. Oh yeah, no food either, how do you like my law asshole?

  4. And those 44 idiots probably can rest assured that the bill will be vetoed by their fellow (d) Governor. Big Papi is close to right. WY citizens regularly ask a friend of ours who does some of his business there what the Hell has gone wrong with us. And there is plenty of daily evidence that I am correct in calling our capital city, Helena, where we live, “East San Francisco East” (Missoula is “East San Francisco West”).

  5. I just wanted to clarify that our neighbor to the North still has a lot of Patriots living in it but the tide of leftist has been strong as of late. I hope Montana can hold on.

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