VOTE: Who Is The Most Annoying CNN Personality? – IOTW Report

VOTE: Who Is The Most Annoying CNN Personality?

list of some of the whiniest, most sanctimonious and delusional people with television shows.



29 Comments on VOTE: Who Is The Most Annoying CNN Personality?

  1. MPS,

    oooh, oooh…i hadn’t thought about that.

    But Ralph/Rachel looks like a dick with ears…Stewart looks like a dick with a nose.

    They can do wonderful things with make-up.



  2. Well Monty, since I’ve not watched any of these turds and only seen an occasional clip (vis-à-vis Jim Acosta) have to go off of looks only. I pick door number two as the one with the most annoying looks.

    Do I win? Do I win?

  3. .45-70 July 18, 2018 at 3:24 pm

    >I’m still trying to figure out if Ralph/Rachel Maddow is male or female.

    I was going to write that only she knows, but most likely she doesn’t.

  4. Couldn’t tell you about the CNN conspirators. Haven’t watched CNN for 15 + years. I only see snippets of their team in internet post or when forced to see them in public spaces.

    FNC gets switched off at home anytime the next guest includes the ones listed by Moe Tom, plus Marie Harf. Marie and Geraldo trigger the quickest switch off, Juan holds down 3d place.

  5. Stelter is an idiot.

    But the truly most insufferable jackass on CNN would have to be Fareed Zakaria.

    Anyone who didn’t say him, has never watched his show. For me, his November 13, 2016 episode after Trump’s election set a new standard for being a completely self-unaware, insulting, smarmy fuckface and he has only gotten worse since then:

    This is no exaggeration. Do yourself a favor and watch the whole four and a half minutes.

    Because, per Fareed, you’re a bunch of stupid, non-college educated, racist fucks who resent your brown and beige Leftist betters in the big city. Those big cities where the cream of the crop rose from the finest universities and who were filtered through a Meritocracy that you can’t compete in you cousin fucking hillbillies.

    But, he concedes, you’re still a human and are thus worthy of being patronized by self-described Elitists such as himself.

    Here’s the transcript:

    And for the cherry on top, here’s a compliation of all of the people making jokes about What Would Never Happen:


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