Voter Fraud Myth Becomes Reality for the 829th Time – IOTW Report

Voter Fraud Myth Becomes Reality for the 829th Time


College student gets 100 days in slammer for registering dead voters for Dems.

A Virginia college student was sentenced this week to 100 days incarceration for submitting fraudulent voter registration forms listing the names of dead people and other faulty information for a political organization connected to the Democratic Party.

Andrew J. Spieles, 21, was sentenced in federal court Tuesday for knowingly transferring false Virginia voter registration forms during the 2016 election, according to the Justice Department.

Spieles, a student at James Madison University, worked as a staffer for Harrisonburg Votes — a group affiliated with the Democratic Party — and was paid to register voters in the area during the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. Spieles’ job was to register as many voters as possible; he reported to Democratic campaign headquarters in Harrisonburg, Va., according to the DOJ.

After filling out a registration form, Spieles entered the voter information into a computer system used by the Virginia Democratic Party. Each week, someone would hand-deliver paper copies to the Registrar’s Office in Harrisonburg.

Last August, however, an employee from the Registrar’s Office contacted law enforcement after another worker recognized a registration form submitted in the name of the late father of a Virginia judge. The office then discovered multiple instances of falsified forms. Some were in the names of deceased individuals, and others had incorrect middle names, birth dates and Social Security numbers, according to the Justice Department.

Spieles admitted he prepared all 18 of the false voter registration forms by obtaining information from “walk sheets” given to him by the Virginia Democratic Party. Spieles said no one else participated in the crime.

Spieles’ fraud was punishable by up to a year in prison and a $100,00 fine, but he reached a plea agreement with Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeb Terrien that limited his sentence to between 100 and 120 days behind bars, according to a


9 Comments on Voter Fraud Myth Becomes Reality for the 829th Time

  1. gee … I wonder how much the DNC paid him to take the fall & shut his yap?
    “Spieles said no one else participated in the crime”

    …yah, …. sure…….


    You can input SSN#, names, addresses and check for duplicates…..across states. Like, students voting on campus AND sending absentee ballots back home.

    But since no one uses Excel in any of the 50 states, this would be impossible.

    Oh well, it was a sorta super-cheap and super-easy idea.

  3. I don’t understand how no one else participated in this crime yet he was provided with ‘walk sheets’. They st showed up? He just found them and decided to input….why does it seem like these investigations are half way completed. Time to hold investigators responsible for lazy, shoddy work. Fire them

  4. That behavior applies to everything the left does. Winning is all that counts. Put one in a position of authority and it’s a guarantee you’ll have a boot on your neck.

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