Voter Suppression??? Huh?? – Dr. David Dinkweaver – IOTW Report

Voter Suppression??? Huh?? – Dr. David Dinkweaver

If the demonrats had their way, soon you’ll be able to pick up a ballot at the
corner story like a Sunday paper.
I just read about the new bills being proposes by demonrats and republicans.

Demonrat Ron Wyden stated “Our democracy is stronger when every American can vote, without standing in ridiculous lines or having to take time off work or school to exercise their Constitutional rights,”

What??? Standing in ridiculous lines??? Taking time off work or school????? Is he kidding? In some states, early voting begins 10 to 14 days before the election and is open 7 days a week. If voting is so important to a citizen, they should have no problem getting to a polling location to vote.

Demonrat Earl Blumenaur stated, “last year we saw a widespread expansion of vote-at-home access as a safe and secure way to participate during the COVID- 19 pandemic… We should continue to make voting easier, not harder. This important bill would strengthen and clarify the right to vote at home, the most secure and convenient way for voters to exercise the franchise.”

And so there it is folks!!! As predicted, the China Virus (created to oust a President that was embarrassing President Xi and putting America first) is being used to inject more opportunities for fraudulent voting.

What the heck is so hard about voting securely at your local polling place? I go there, show proper identification, get MY ballot, fill it out, put it in the machine and voila, my vote has been cast securely.

But wait. Blumenauer says that voting at home is “the most secure and
convenient way.”

Huh? Is he kidding? What’s to prevent someone from grabbing ballots out of mailboxes or off of kitchen tables, filling them out and mailing them? Or, gee whiz, printing off a ton of ballots and sneaking them into a box to be inserted into machines and counted after hours when no one is looking?

Please show me a more secure way of voting than IN-PERSON, with PROPER
ID required to get MY ballot. There aren’t any.

I’ve had friends complain to me about “voter suppression” and that requiring ID or matching signatures “suppresses votes”. Do they realize how idiotic this sounds? Are they so condescending to think that an American citizen cannot figure out how to register to vote, get proper identification and make his/her way to a polling location during a two week period of voting?

Those who cry “voter suppression” are not interested in secure voting. They are interested in perpetuating and facilitating fraud in our elections.

In 2020, Joe Biden “won” the election carrying only about 500 counties.
Really??? This is the lowest number of counties won for any presidential

It’s because corruption and voter fraud in a handful of counties such as Fulton in Georgia and Philadelphia in Pennsylvania can carry an entire state.

Mark my words, you will see the number of counties won by future Demonrat Presidential candidates to continue to drop. Because now they know they can pump ballots into the machines in just one county per key state.

Unless we move to all in-person voting and REQUESTED absentee voting with proper identification and signature matching, it’s going to be difficult to be confident that this country will every have a free and fair election again.

-Dr. David Dinkweaver

25 Comments on Voter Suppression??? Huh?? – Dr. David Dinkweaver

  1. We MUST start insisting that every single ballot have a unique SERIAL NUMBER.
    – The scanning machines must be programmed to allow only one vote per serial number.
    This is the only way to prevent the industrial levels of fraud

  2. Biden or that whore Harris will declare martial law fairly soon (after some manufactured ‘crisis’).
    Being it’s too late to have organized, you know what you’ll do? Nothing.

    Secession is our only way out.

  3. White, male, net taxpayers over 25, American ancestors provably dating back to 1776. No exceptions.

    Identity politics will become extinct. We owe in to our ancestors.

  4. At this point, I’d have more respect for the ruling class if they just said, “Fuck you. Your votes don’t matter. We run everything now. And if you don’t like it, we’ll use the power of the state to fuck you over.”

    But they’re fucking slimebags that the honesty of such a statement would upset the narcissistic fantasy they live in. Literally, arrogant gangsters would be a step up from these fucking gaslighting shitbags.

  5. Just saw a poll that said Biden’s approval rating is 61%

    If that’s true then America deserves every f555ing thing they get…

    Forward into (what’s after obsolete?) oblivion!

  6. This BIG STEAL needs to be righted ASAP. I’m just waiting for a divine miracle at this point. I’ve experienced first hand and I know they can happen. I’m not giving up the fight but I hate this nail biter. PRESIDENT Trump just up and walk away? You KNOW he had all the voting intel in his hands. Why he didn’t pull the trigger on that EO? I know he can blow it all up at the right time should he choose to and I pray he does. The business I work at ain’t gonna survive another round of this COVID CRAP…

  7. And excuse me Mr. Dinkweaver for not mentioning this earlier but I really appreciate your fresh insight. I was getting real tired of BigFurHat’s slow turn to the left…

    JUST KIDDING!!!!!! 🙃

  8. Some how I posted this on the wrong thread, so I’ll post it here also.

    Why go to the corner store? I made my own mail-in ballot right in the comfort of my home and sent it to my congressional delegation.

    It consists of a blank IRS 1040 with “The Election was Stolen No Justice, No Taxes!” written on it in large letters along with a note on the bottom which reads “Here’s my mail-in ballot. It’s a little late but that doesn’t matter, right?”
    My own unique signature consists of Kilroy of WW2 fame.

    The Election was Stolen.

    At present, nothing seems to trigger the left more than these four words.

    IRS 1040

    Possibly the most detested form ever printed in this country.

    No Justice, No Taxes!

    Does not advocate violence and mocks the left’s similar slogan.

    Nothing is going to improve without sacrifice, including the ultimate sacrifice for some. I’ve chosen my course. I can’t nor do I want to choose for anyone else. My cause is FREEDOM!

  9. If the demonrats had their way, soon you’ll be able to pick up a ballot at the
    corner story like a Sunday paper already filled out for you as a straight democRAT ticket vote!

    Not only that, but they’d make you pay a couple bucks for it as well!!

  10. Thanks for all of the great comments. Looking forward to engaging with the group more in the future.

    Let’s get out and win back the House and Senate in 2022

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