Voters: 63% fear socialism means bread lines, secret police, hospital waiting lines – IOTW Report

Voters: 63% fear socialism means bread lines, secret police, hospital waiting lines


Move over coronavirus.

Just as scary for a majority of battleground state voters is the looming possibility that the Democrats’ rush to embrace socialism could win in the 2020 election, according to a new survey from the “polling company” and provided to Secrets.

Voters fear that the shift from democracy to socialism will lead to bread lines, rolling power blackouts, long lines at medical offices, and a new secret police force.

“We have all heard and seen the horror stories. Socialism has wrought havoc on nations throughout the world. But do voters think it could happen here in the United States? An incredible number do believe these horror stories could happen in America,” read the analysis by the polling company, a subsidiary of CRC Advisors. READ MORE

10 Comments on Voters: 63% fear socialism means bread lines, secret police, hospital waiting lines

  1. the hillary fix is in:


    The shock of Hillary’s 2016 election night loss to Donald Trump was followed by a month of reflection and mourning. The very thing that she so desired for over four decades—the presidency—just slipped out of her hands by the mere swing of 42,000 votes.

    Being the political trooper she is, by January of 2017, she had jumped right into 2020 campaign mode for the final run for her dream. But this run would be different and unique to an American political campaign. It would be an orchestrated plan where her political party (which the Clintons control) would draft her a few months before the nominating convention.

    The plan, as of this writing, is right on schedule and, I must say, is brilliant. The “draft scenario” allows her to avoid the grind of campaigning, and the scrutiny, debates, and endless criticism that comes with it.

  2. Socialism diminishes the quality of life over any extended period of time.

    It’s a pretty obvious thing that is easily observed.

    Fearing it does nothing. Rational thinking and taking action to avoid it does everything.

    I don’t need to fear a rattle snake to avoid it, I just need to know that it is there and know its nature as predictably dangerous.

    Living your life rationally will bring you a better life than living it fearfully.

  3. “Socialism has wrought havoc on nations throughout the world.”

    By design. Once a critical mass gets past the inclination to concede “good intentions” to followers of the progressive movement then, and only then, will it be possible to get this Goddamned plague under control.

    The progressive movement has been invested in increasing innocent human suffering since its inception. It has a track record that is well documented and unequal in where it always leads, at this juncture it is ludicrous to accept that it’s proponents are well intentioned or even unaware of what they are advocating for.

    Is there anyone who believes that Hitler could have been defeated by nations in which a critical mass of the population was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt? It just does not pass the straight face test any longer to treat progressives as “misguided, or uninformed, but their intentions are good.”

    Progressivism is a wicked and evil political philosophy that has supported the most efficient engines of innocent human suffering, misery and death the world has ever seen as they rose in stature and consolidated their power during the 20th century. To concede good intentions at this point is to be complicit in their realization of their agenda, which only the devil in hell could accept as praiseworthy.

    Here is the truth of the matter: Socialism has deliberately and systematically wrought havoc on nations throughout the world. That is what socialism does every time it is tried. To concede “good intentions” to the proponents of socialism is illogical and suicidal.

  4. “Voters: 63% fear socialism means bread lines, secret police, hospital waiting lines”

    …and the remaining 37% are either complete fools, brain dead, DEAD dead (it DOES say “voters” and you know Democrats…), or they figure they’ll be unaffected, even enriched, because they plan to RUN it…

    …Socialism IS a good deal.

    For its rulers.

    …everyone ELSE either dies slow of starvation and sickness, or dies FAST as the Socialist murder them to impose their will.

    …but even DEAD, they still vote Democrat…


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