“Voting Irregularities” Broken Down By OAN – IOTW Report

“Voting Irregularities” Broken Down By OAN

In case you come across someone from the left demanding evidence, OAN’s Pearson Sharp does a nice chalk talk on the major chargers in six battleground states. Watch

4 Comments on “Voting Irregularities” Broken Down By OAN

  1. The Democrats are winning in the legal system, but losing their asses in the Court of Public Opinion. They are not only losing badly, they have momentum going against them.

    The question they are polling is: Do you believe the Democrats were engaging in widespread election fraud/theft? At this juncture the only relevant question is are you for fair elections or are you OK with the Democrat Party engaging in fraud and stealing elections. Only a slope headed, shot bubble blowing, booger eating moron could possibly believe the line of bullshit the media is pushing.

  2. IF comrade biden is installed in the whitehouse, after 4 years of the revisions of history, elimination of evidence and the party media endlessly assaulting the population, biden or the swamps surrogate will be re-elect ……. with the help of his 2020 ´campaign´ staff

  3. The voting fraud is frightening because this is a true attack to overthrow our government and shatter the very foundation from which, and why, it was created. 😡

  4. Now the swamp dwellers’ line is the video has been tampered with and altered.
    That huge douche swamp phony, Hugh Hewitt made that claim this morning.
    I am so looking forward to all these azzhats having to eat crow when they’re proven wrong and Trump and the rest of us are proven right and they can suck it if they think we’ll come crawling back to them.
    They’re more concerned with the right appearances and their pocketbooks and parties than they are policy.
    I swear leftists and RINO’s and swamp creatures use movies to run their lives.
    Have they not seen Caddyshack?
    I feel like we’re living in a movie mashup.
    Demolition Man,
    I Am Legend,


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