Vox Moron, Matty Yglesias, Calls For a Third Obama Term – IOTW Report

Vox Moron, Matty Yglesias, Calls For a Third Obama Term

You knew this was their desire all along.

Daily Wire

Vox’s Matt Yglesias has proposed something that would probably horrify most Americans: A Literal Third-Term Obama. Shamelessly, the Voxer takes sycophancy to new heights in his his latest piece, aptly entitled, “Democrats’ best choice for 2016 is the guy already in the White House.” Apparently, de facto third-term Obama candidate Hillary Clinton isn’t enough. “It would make a lot more sense for him to directly face his critics on the left (Bernie Sanders) and right (every Republican) rather than do so indirectly through the proxy of Hillary Clinton,” writes Yglesias without a hint of sarcasm.

Humbly acknowledging clearly-articulated constitutional limits, Yglesias finds himself in the unenviable position of being tied in a stranglehold. On one hand, he really, seriously fanboys hard over the fantasy of the Third-Coming of “Hope and Change” Obama. On the other hand, there’s this thing called the U.S. Constitution raining down on his parade …

What’s a poor boy to do? Repeal the 22nd Amendment. Obviously. Here’s Yglesias’ explicit demand for a constitutional coup:


10 Comments on Vox Moron, Matty Yglesias, Calls For a Third Obama Term

  1. He’s locked down the 2016 Award for the Interwebs Dumbest Blogger.

    What’s that? 6 or 7 years running?

    This broken bulb first came onto my radar when Hugh Hewitt had him on once a week back in the early 00s(yeah I used to listen) and after one of his segments I would scratch my head thinking the guy was an idiot. He’d completely ignore history and facts.

    I see not much has changed.

  2. Yep, I make all my important decisions based on how China or one of it’s mouthpieces thinks of me.

    Somehow I have a feeling that if I did allow their article to influence my decisions that I might be deserving of their ridicule and their insult.

    But hey, that’s me, a Low Class American and proud of it…. Better than any high class Chinese communist that’s for sure.

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