Vox Reporter, Looking Like an Exhumed Corpse, Wants Facebook To Suppress “Fake News” – IOTW Report

Vox Reporter, Looking Like an Exhumed Corpse, Wants Facebook To Suppress “Fake News”

Tim Lee, who should see doctor as soon as possible, wants Facebook to suppress #fakenews, and all the examples he cites are stories that favor the right.

When Tucker Carlson gives the walking dead some examples of #fakenews that appeared on Vox he says that’s far different. “We correct our stories like every reputable news organization.” Carlson gave him many examples of erroneous “news” that is still on Vox, uncorrected.

Watch Carlson, once again, dismantle a leftist.

(I’m thinking a box set of these would make a nice Christmas gift.)

30 Comments on Vox Reporter, Looking Like an Exhumed Corpse, Wants Facebook To Suppress “Fake News”

  1. @Kevin R. – If he ever looks at me that way, which is not gonna happen, I’m doing a 180 and getting the hell out of Dodge. It not a threatening look, not at all; unless you know what’s spinning around beheind that semi confused and perplexed face. His brain is powering up a mighty laser of destruction ready to unleash at the idiot who agreed to go on his show.

    I’m hoping he doesn’t run out of guests.

  2. “I don’t think we should suppress but Facebook should stop allowing any news that supports conservatives.” I think that is what Bella Lugosi was saying.

    Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall reading that the Pope endorsed Donald Trump. That sounds more like something that the left would have spread, knowing how much of a leftist the Pope is and how much that would have hurt Trump.

  3. And I wonder what that guy looks like when he’s not dressed up, made up, and hairstyled for his TV appearance. Unless he was sabotaged by a makeup artist, that’s as good as he gets.

  4. I guess I’m a little ahead of the progtards but Bryan Williams and Dan Rather made me aware of the danger of fake news some years ago. Bless their hearts. Maybe it’s different when it actually is fake but accurate.

  5. The big problem is regressives can’t tell the difference between opinion and news. Most of the blogs that were sited in the “fake news” BS, just reported the news as it was put out and opinion commentary was offered on the news. Now the opinion can be disagreed with obviously, but to site somebody’s personal view as “fake” is totally absurd.

  6. Tucker Carlson has given me a reason to watch Fox again.

    At 3:26 in to the video, this Vox apologist reminds me of every borderline psychotic middle-schooler I’ve ever dealt with. Can’t keep visual focus, keeps facial expressions masked, engages the deflect-defend-deny strategy. Smart enough to string together sentences. NOT smart enough to realize he shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Keep ’em coming Carlson.

    I will finish watching the video. Box set indeed. I’m going to collect the whole set. 😛

  7. Since when is Facebook a media site, anyway? Last I heard it was a place to post irrelevant personal information and share boring baby and vacation photos.

    P.S. – Don’t be too hard on that guy’s appearance. I think he may have AIDS.


  8. I’m one of those people whom Fur referenced the other day who doesn’t even own a television, but after watching the videos linked in this thread I’m now a Tucker Carlson fan. I’d honestly never hear of him before. Yes, I really am that simple…

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