VP Biden’s Former Assistant: Classified Docs Left Unlocked in Penn Biden Center Closet  – IOTW Report

VP Biden’s Former Assistant: Classified Docs Left Unlocked in Penn Biden Center Closet 

Idiot Biden

Breitbart: Classified documents were transported from then-Vice President Joe Biden’s safekeeping to the Penn Biden Center, where they were kept in an unlocked closet and remained accessible to center employees and potentially others, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) revealed Tuesday after an interview with Biden’s former assistant, Kathy Chung.

Chung, who current Biden administration officials appear to blame for the mishandling of Biden’s classified documents, told Comer that Biden’s classified documents remained unsecured at the Penn Biden Center for years and remained accessible to her until May 2022.

“This story does not begin in November 2022, as represented by President Biden’s attorney,” Comer said in a statement. “[T]hen-White House Counsel Dana Remus tasked Kathy Chung with retrieving these boxes from the Penn Biden Center as early as May 2022.”

Public records reported by the New York Post suggest that Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals or entities donated at least $54 million between 2014 and 2019 to the Penn Biden Center. more

8 Comments on VP Biden’s Former Assistant: Classified Docs Left Unlocked in Penn Biden Center Closet 

  1. There is NOTHING that DJT could ever do with a porn star that is as despicable as how the corruptocrats of the Uniparty have SODOMIZED us all in the U.S.A.

    The Big Boogaloo will be cathartic as hell if we get to see it.

  2. Fact is that ChinaMoney Joe Biden is a terrorist and someone who orders others to create terror. MoneyJoe is one those lowlifes who regards others as being sub-human and not worthy of life. Like an old obedient child he’s given the task of creationg “actions”, viz, terrorism, in the same way that Hitler organized chaos, murder, and fear against those he twistedly regarded as the opposition. America is the image of freedom and liberty and the strong American spirit is what the wanna-be elitist and vile racist ChinaMoney Joe Biden hopes to crush. To that end he deceived and manipulated armies of (chained) enslaved black people and societal lowlifes such as auntie’s panties to stupidly do his bidding and destroy neighborhoods and communities. JOE BIDEN IS A TERRORIST AND NOT A POTUS.

  3. While Hillary Clinton sold America’s Classified documents off her shithouse server, apparently, Joey wanted in on the action and came up with his own MO.

    You can bet that every document was available to every enemy of the United States on Earth … and maybe beyond … which paid.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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