Amazon Illegally Harvested Kids’ Data Via Alexa-Powered ‘Smart’ Speakers – IOTW Report

Amazon Illegally Harvested Kids’ Data Via Alexa-Powered ‘Smart’ Speakers

TheDefender: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) plans to sue Amazon over allegations the company illegally collected and used children’s data via its Alexa-powered smart speakers, according to reports by Politico and Bloomberg.

Citing individuals familiar with the issue, the two media outlets said the FTC recommended filing a complaint against Amazon on the basis that the collection of data from children under age 13 violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA).

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) may file the lawsuit on the FTC’s behalf as early as next month, Bloomberg reported.

The FTC is obligated to first refer its complaint to the DOJ’s civil division, which will then have 45 days to bring a case, according to Politico. If the DOJ declines to sue, the FTC can then opt to proceed on its own.

This potential lawsuit comes four years after several advocacy organizations, including the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (now known as Fairplay) and the Center for Digital Democracy, filed a complaint with the FTC against Amazon, citing two products: the Echo Dot Kids Edition and FreeTime (since rebranded Kids+).

The news also comes amid a push by the FTC to target Big Tech firms for a range of alleged anti-competitive practices. MORE

6 Comments on Amazon Illegally Harvested Kids’ Data Via Alexa-Powered ‘Smart’ Speakers

  1. Just think of the purple haired, reddit using, drag clothes wearing, Biden voting, child grooming dickless genderqueer triggered freak of nature on the other end of that speaker. Now picture a whole warehouse of its tiktok audience that it shares data with. thmart thpeakers are not safe for any age at any level of normalcy.

  2. Amazon won’t be sued.
    And if sued, will win the case.
    DOJ are a bunch of perverts just like the White Hut and Supreme Court.
    Amazon was collecting kiddie data for the perverts in politics and big business.
    It’s no mystery why a Retarded Pedophile was illegally placed in the White Hut.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Amazon Illegally Harvested Kids’ Data Via Alexa-Powered ‘Smart’ Speakers

    You placed the order, you gave them your money, you opened up the package and allowed it to happen. They already have your kid’s DNA (collected at birth) for technological use in the future. Maybe those speakers are using the young kids minds to turn them into trannies. Sci-fi angle to it. Heh, look at what the jab did to humans, it was innocent enough right?

  4. US Gov’t: ‘Hey – you can’t do that! Only we can do that!’
    I bought one of the first ones. Had it plugged in for a couple weeks… and unplugged it, gave it away. I don’t want that in my house. Of course I have a Google phone though that listens to my every word, knows every place I go.

  5. AMAZON should also be sued or at the least reported to the FTC for hosting chicoms’ garbage and often dangerous products. Mockingbird is one of them which peddles defective strollers until the FTc was contacted. Same goes for fake US army clothiong peddlers at usarmy/roughgear which sells fake US army attire but has a ‘made in china’ label. Insult to injury a US flag is attched to the buttons.

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