Waffle House Waitress Gets Fired For Shooting Gun in Air While Robbers Flee – IOTW Report

Waffle House Waitress Gets Fired For Shooting Gun in Air While Robbers Flee

Wasn’t this Joe Biden’s advice?


When three robbers walked into the Waffle House in Newnan, Georgia, where she worked, Heather “Shorty” Burkinshaw-Stanley didn’t hesitate.

As the trio made their escape, the waitress followed them outside and fired a shot, the Daily News reports. For her efforts, Burkinshaw-Stanley was fired. But the mother of three says she’s do it all again. “To myself I felt it was right,” she tells WSB-TV. The drama unfolded in the wee hours Thursday after the three men finished a meal and handed a waitress a note threatening to shoot everyone if she didn’t hand over “all the money,” reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. No gun was shown. They got $200 and walked out.

Meanwhile, Burkinshaw-Stanley strode to her car, grabbed a gun, and fired a shot in the air “in an attempt to scare the robbers,” she explains.

“I didn’t know if they had guns … so my instinct was to go to my car and get the gun,” Burkinshaw-Stanley tells WSB. “I was in fear for my life, my co-workers’ lives, and I did what I thought was right,” she tells the Newnan Times-Herald.

Her employers apparently didn’t think so and fired her the following day. “We want people to feel safe on both sides of the counter,” says a Waffle House rep. “That bullet could have went anywhere, hit anyone,” one neighbor tells WSB, “but I definitely think she had the right to defend herself.”


18 Comments on Waffle House Waitress Gets Fired For Shooting Gun in Air While Robbers Flee

  1. I seem to recall that Waffle House declared themselves a gun free chain many years ago. Hence they’re an easy mark for every two bit robber looking for easy, uncontested cash.

  2. Uncle Al, Not enough gas out of a blank to cycle a pistol.
    I have a compassionate neighbor who recently started purchasing weapons and one night over a beer they explained to me their “PLAN” should they ever actually need to level a weapon on a home intruder. First two rounds in their tiny S and W Shield will be blanks, that way they’ll just run away after they hear the report.
    Imagine the shock when I explained to them that they should just sell their guns and go back to being potential victims.

  3. The essential training anyone needs is to know the laws in yor state and municipality. I live in a state where it is not legal to use a firearm when a criminal disengages. If someone kicks our door in all bets are off. Everything else is a trial.

    I give her points for “courage”, but none for anything else. Seems more like “rage” to me.

  4. @Rat – the K5 is a soda bottle shaped area of the body that includes the head, throat, heart, lungs, stomach and abdomen down to just above the bladder depicted on full size paper targets. Hits here give you the highest scores for pistol qualifications.

  5. Bad_Brad, Et al., thanks for this discussion. It prompted me to go to the NRA pages for South Carolina and I learned a lot. I think I’m going to grab my Colt that is stored in a beautiful BFH Molon Labe tote bag and go to the range!

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