Wag the Dog – ACTION!! Cue Sirens – IOTW Report

Wag the Dog – ACTION!! Cue Sirens

White-soled guy has a camera.

22 Comments on Wag the Dog – ACTION!! Cue Sirens

  1. Fake. It’s just a set built out behind the fake oval office for a fake-ass president. The siren was Nancy’s Vodka Time Alert, but it hasn’t been decommissioned yet.

  2. It is too bad so many innocent (not guilty) people have to die for this freak show. Military people who volunteered their service knew what they were getting into, but they surely believed their leadership was legitimate and serious minded in an honest way… The senile corruptocrat in chief, installed by the RICO eligible democrat party in coordination with the deep state and the earth owning cabal that must never be mentioned really ought go first into battle.

  3. … and what’s with the Goddamned glasses, do the idiots actually believe anybody is going to equate this stumbling moron with MacArthur returning to the Philippines? GTFOH and take that dried out old piece of shit and lock him back in his basement.

  4. I comment I made earlier’

    “Is there actual fighting taking place over there or is this one big digital joke on the American Tax Payer. I follow several Boxing Trainers that train fighters out of Kyiv. Awesome gyms. They post daily. There’s absolutely no sign that there’s a war going on around them and they never mention it. Really Weird.
    Kyiv has turned into European Boxing and MMA head quarters.”

    Team Russia and Team USA wrestlers are still training together. I guess they didn’t get the memo.

  5. trump announced he was going to Palestine Ohio the day before the basement dummy announced he was meeting with Shillinsky. Genius!

    Trump looks great, and Joey bag of donuts looks like shit once again.


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