Wait For the Pit Maneuver At the End – IOTW Report

Wait For the Pit Maneuver At the End

I knew it was coming and I still laughed.


30 Comments on Wait For the Pit Maneuver At the End

  1. LOL! Shouldn’t those killer whales be in the pool? They’re getting the best of that shark. How did the biggest whale get a wheelchair? New tricks at Sea World. That’s hilarious!

  2. @99th Squad Leader JUNE 10, 2019 AT 1:01 AM
    “LOL! Shouldn’t those killer whales be in the pool? ”

    When they jumped into the pool, all the water splashed out.


  3. LOL….

    I have never seen so many bull-rino’s mock fighting before at one time! My amazement is that it lasted so long because usually they run out of steam after throwing one or two ham-hock-sized hands around and just resort to the fallback position of talking trash and moving their heads from side to side while doing so.

    If you scroll down the comments after the video are priceless…. especially the ones from black girls that weigh quite a bit less than the elephants in the video…LOL

    Finally, one of the other posters on that thread caught the “fight” from a different angle and you can see all the security guards standing back out of fat-finger-range and waiting for the herd of shamoo’s to run out of gas so they can bring in the fork-trucks and eject them from the water park!

    Thanks…. I needed that laugh

  4. Well Amos, ya marry sumthin like that and at least you gonna have great pancakes in the mornin!

    Yeah… and not only that Andy, but you ain’t never gonna have to buy a furnace!


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