Wait For the Punch Line – IOTW Report

Wait For the Punch Line

Here we see a debate between a Trump supporter and a Trump hater. The Trump hater lectures for several minutes about the 1st amendment, how it’s the right/duty of the anti-trump coalition to disrupt Trump rallies because Trump’s message is so full of invective and he’s a racist.

Megyn Kelly tries to explain that the people attending the rally have the right to hear what anyone has to say without having that speech shut down. The speaker, no matter what he is saying, has the right to say it.

Still, the guest shakes his head as if he’s righteous. Now, take a look at the video.


Who is Vargas?

9 Comments on Wait For the Punch Line

  1. If these idiots think Trump’s language and rhetoric is bad, they should come talk to me and others like me. It’s essentially a “private property” issue. America belongs to its CITIZENS! Under the Constitution WE have the right to deny others “membership” in our country! If you want to be an American, act like one (our rules, society and culture). If you want to be anything else, go back to where you came from. WE DON”T WANT YOU HERE!

  2. The sign at starting at 4:35 to 4:40, sign reads “FUCK TRUMP” on national TV. The protesters sure know how to send their message of love and peace, don’t they?

  3. So Vargas is an illegal immigrant and he is “taking responsibility by telling my story” of, apparently, remaining an illegal immigrant?

    Am I supposed to be won over to his plight? How about all those school classmates who missed out going to Japan because of his bleeding heart choir teacher?

  4. “…the next day she td me the choir was going to Hawaii instead…”

    He should have met with Loretta Fuddy when he was there. She could have fixed his problem.

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