Wait For the Punch Line – Woman Protests Trump Appearance in California – IOTW Report

Wait For the Punch Line – Woman Protests Trump Appearance in California

This is a very short clip with a “you have to see this” punch line.

17 Comments on Wait For the Punch Line – Woman Protests Trump Appearance in California

  1. So the Lady Burglar breaks into MY home and wants to shut down MY house because she doesn’t like MY friends coming over?
    Lady If I were president, you would break the sound barrier as you arch over the border.

  2. Hahahaha! classic! I still want The Wall. But does it matter at this point? We’re already over-run with entitled illegals. And they have babies at an exponential rate. Heaven help us

  3. Oh my gosh! It will be a wild and crazy few weeks as the realization finally makes it through to these ivory-skulled people that Trump is serious. It’s a main point of his entire campaign. The only thing standing between him and her is our do-nothing congress. Other than that, the smiles being wiped off these clueless clods’ faces when they finally realize “their” homes are not here as illegals, will be unbelievably priceless to behold.

    America First…last, and always. Don’t believe that? Watch Trump’s Sacramento rally from yesterday.

  4. We’ve been trying to smash that Pine Sol ad… can’t find the prick sneaking it in. But you found a workaround!!!
    If anyone emails me I’ll tell them the workaround in the meantime.

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