Wait. The Hillary We’re Seeing Now Had a Facelift?t – IOTW Report

Wait. The Hillary We’re Seeing Now Had a Facelift?t


HT/ Just the Tip

Bill suggested Hillary get a facelift for this presidential run.

(According to book) Not only did they have their own server, they had their own operating room.

22 Comments on Wait. The Hillary We’re Seeing Now Had a Facelift?t

  1. It looks something Salvador Dali created after taking a hit of LSD
    and reading the existential writings of John Paul Sartre at the same time. Either that or just after shrillary read The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe while listening to the Grateful Dead in the background. That’s what happens when your mind turns to Jello.

  2. I am ten years younger than Hillary. At the 40th reunion of my high school graduating class this past weekend, everybody told me that I looked “exactly the same” as I did at the last reunion I attended (20th, in 1995).

    Of course, I haven’t spent the past two decades lying, grubbing for money, making pointless trips all over the globe, plotting people’s deaths, exploiting my grandchild, and beating up my husband.

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