Wait’ll He Finds Out English Muffins Aren’t Made in England – IOTW Report

Wait’ll He Finds Out English Muffins Aren’t Made in England

This is asinine –


 A new class-action lawsuit involves four different states and a very literal reading of the label on a bottle of hot sauce. The first state is California, where resident Philip White went to the supermarket and bought a bottle of Texas Pete (second state) hot sauce, reports USA Today. Upon getting home and reading the label, however, White discovered that the product—which falls under the general category of a Louisiana-style (third state) hot sauce—is not made in Texas but rather in the fourth state, North Carolina.

“White relied upon the language and images displayed on the front label of the product, and at the time of purchase understood the product to be a Texas product,” says the complaint, per WGHP. He says he never would have bought the hot sauce had he known it wasn’t from Texas, renowned for its spiciness, and he’s asking the court to force parent company TW Garner Food to pay damages and change the brand’s name.

The company “has cheated its way to a market-leading position in the $3 billion hot-sauce industry at the expense of law-abiding competitors and consumers nationwide who desire authentic Texas hot sauce and reasonably, but incorrectly, believe that is what they are getting when they purchase Texas Pete,” says the complaint. 


I am suing the Minnesota Fats estate for damages. I felt all these years I was watching authentic Minnesota billiard playing. Turns out the guy is from New York!!

I’ve been duped.

33 Comments on Wait’ll He Finds Out English Muffins Aren’t Made in England

  1. Had a western omelet the other day with hashbrowns.
    I live on the eastern side of Michigan so the omelet was a lie. And the hashbrowns didn’t give me tingle let alone a buzz.

  2. Hey, Zonk! Mars bars are merely interplanetary. You have to look to Milky Way bars for interstellar treats!

    Can’t wait for plaintiff to file on Buffalo Wings containing no buffalo….

    … and on and on…

  3. Kiss my hairy, Irish Ass Philip White…if that is your real name!
    I got 2 words for you, snitpuss: Made in America!
    Only a whinny democrat voting pussy would care what state it’s made in.
    I put that shit on everything & have for years.

  4. …and, MissInMi, I’ve been to Holland MI and it is NOT European at ALL!

    …And don’t get me started about London, KY and Paris, KY, all the MLK Boulevards that have no Martin Luther King Jr on them, and then there’s Los Angeles with a NOTICEABLE lack of angels in it, Spanish or otherwise…

  5. See that little “R” with the circle around it next to the “Texas Pete” name?
    That means it is a registered trademark. A trademark doesn’t have to have any truth supporting its words. This a-hole has no standing.

  6. Texas Pete is my favorite!
    Remember the ads for Pace salsa?
    The guys sitting around the fire looking at another jar of salsa complaining it’s made in New York City!

    Maybe we can sue every state for selling souvenirs that are made in China.

  7. I’ve had Beans on Toast, a well-known Masterpiece of the British Culinary Art many times and I wasn’t even in GB, I was here in America. Will I get served papers from the His Majesty’s Order of British Chefs and Kitchen Helpers?

  8. @SNS
    Dutch Village,and Windmill Island
    try to be some version of Dutch. But other than that,we are starting to resemble some town in Mexico.
    Tulip Time parade actually features floats that carry winners of the local Hispanic and Asian beauty contests.
    Although, as progressive as the Netherlands are, why should I expect a Dutch celebration to be Dutch.
    The Dutch dancers during Tulip Time, look more like a meeting of UN, than any traditional representation of Dutch settlers and culture.
    *Side note: A visitor from the Netherlands, who observed the Dutch dancers said that it was not a Dutch dance they were performing.

  9. Nobody mentioned French Toast yet.

    And I went to Paris, Maine and there wasn’t an Eiffel Tower there. And don’t get me started about China, Maine or Poland, Maine.

  10. MissInMi
    OCTOBER 10, 2022 AT 9:22 PM

    …I was only up there for a Factory Acceptance Test at Dematic years ago, and in the winter so all the windmill stuff was closed and all the tulips were dead. Big Red Lighthouse was nice tho, but there was a LOOOOT of wind off the lake.

    There was a place still open to get ersatz wooden shoes, tho.

    Those things SUCK.

    …we had a Belgian engineer here once, tho, and HE wore wooden shoes from the Old County routinely, and HIS were custom carved and reportedly very comfortable, althogh you always knew where he was by the little bangs going up and down the concrete floors…

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