Wait’ll you see what this fisherman pulls into his boat – IOTW Report

Wait’ll you see what this fisherman pulls into his boat

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26 Comments on Wait’ll you see what this fisherman pulls into his boat

  1. I’m not a big cat guy, but those poor cats must have been pretty desperate for people to swin out to them like that. I’m a bit of a sucker sometimes, I would probably bring them home and take care of them.

  2. I can’t explain it, but I have always felt that anyone who would knowingly harm an animal, particularly a domestic pet, who relies upon human grace for its existence, is the most despicable kind of human being. Very hard to explain — I guess it’s because domesticated pet animals only seek to provide loving companionship. They don’t understand motives and cruelty.

  3. When we got our yellow tabby Finn from the animal shelter about 3 years ago I am sure he picked us out. We needed a good mouser. Cute little stinker, he and my golden retriever Indie are best buddies for the most part. The 2 of them ganged up on a mouse last night, we have a mouse running around lately and the cat finally saw it and gave chase with Indie in tow chasing after it. They didn’t catch it but they know it’s there and now the cat sits and stares waiting for the mouse to show itself again. And Indie watches the cat, she wants in on the chase as well. Knowing them the cat will catch the mouse and Indie will slime it with her tongue and they’ll take it place it on my daughter’s bed. Lucky her! And I’ll have to dispose of the dead mouse as usual.

  4. My family was also adopted by strays.

    One time, my mom saw a scraggly grey tiger kitten walking down the street and thought, “Oh no.” She shut the door and didn’t look outside for quite a while. When we came home from school, we busted through the door and yelled, “Mom! Look what we found on the front steps! Can we keep him?”

    We named him Smokey.

  5. I saw this posted elsewhere recently and did not comment.
    Here, among friends, I will.

    With reference to the comments above regarding cats finding people, this has also been my experience.

    I was the Last Chance for my two most recent adoptees.
    They each found me, and I have attempted to give them good homes, certainly better than where they came from.

    “Flimsy” was on her way to the pound, literally,in a cardboard box when I adopted her. She was a mighty hunter, repeatedly brought me presents- mice, lizards, birds, headless gophers. (Once, most of a snake!) She lived to be almost 22 years old, and finally lost her battle w/ thyroid cancer.
    It took me some time to get over the loss of this companion.

    But then this little guy showed up:
    I have mentioned my recent adoptee, a male orphan who I have not named yet, as he was not expected to survive. So I call him “#2”. Well, he’s almost 6 years old now and is doing well, though he requires periodic veterinary care. He was featured in Claudia’s reader’s pets a couple years ago.
    Still haven’t named him…

    I understand some may prefer dogs over cats. Or birds, or even fish for that matter…
    But I cannot understand how anyone could be callous enough to mistreat a kitten.
    (Some people should not have children, either.)

    Love ’em while you’ve got ’em, people.

    Enjoy the long weekend.

  6. Bass Boats and Cats. LOL, A couple years back the wife and I hauled the trusty 206 Champion down to the California Delta. My favorite water is about a half hour from where we put in. On the Pad. 70 mph. Sometime the props out of the water. We get back to the trailer and the wife open the storage compartment right behind her seat and out pops our cat. Our very spun cat. It took the ride home to get her calmed down. We can only figure she hopped in there when we loading everything up.

  7. Even though dogs have an 8,000 year head start over cats in evolutionary emotional connection to humans, the cat is well on it’s way. It is in the cats DNA to know to seek humans for help and companionship. My cats Hannah and Tuna approve of this video.

  8. Cats are OK. But every night I get home after a shit day my Lab wants to wash my face like its the first time he’s seen me in years. And I don’t care were that tongues been. Where’s the cat? Sitting on the back of the couch looking at me like who the F are you. We had a Chesapeake that used to smile. That mutt cracked me up every night after work.

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