Lorena Bossi claims she received a nasty message from a couple she was waiting on after they heard her speaking Spanish. This story seems implausible.
We covered it HERE.
Reader, Dee, did some internet diving and found a story from 2015 with a waitress who looked similar to Lorena and shared the same last name.
I did some digging of my own and discovered they are sisters.
Call me cynical, but it just feels like the Bossis have found a hook that gains attention, and possibly more.
Or perhaps they are good people who keep having receipt stories, who knows?
Hang her.
Another, “Look at poor me, and all these mean racists” story.
That’s life. You deal with assholes all the time, deal with it quietly like the rest of us do.
THAT’S HER CULTCHA! Sometimes you HAVE to lie in order to draw attention to the patriarchichal holocaust that’s happening all across this horrible country, what with the coloreds being water fountained and women molested by hot studly men and everything. Blessed Saint Kathy of Fresno says repent of your racisms against the noble liars against the patriarchy!
I’d rather bang her
I ” Deal with it quietly” on a daily basis.
Or: Monkey see; Monkey do?
When we consider that there is, literally, nothing new under the Sun (even nuclear fission and semi-conductors existed at the Creation – though we didn’t recognize them for a couple of billion years) kinda makes ya go “Hmmm?” doesn’t it?
Especially with “cost-free” virtue signaling.
How much courage does it take to scribble on a receipt? Scribble something stupid, to boot?
Ignorance parading as virtue is tiresome – it’s been done to death.
izlamo delenda est …
…White people have the Federal Fucking Government REQUIRING they be discriminated against with REAL life issues like college admittance, employment, voting districts, etc., as well as NOT stopping them from getting discriminated against by openly racist organizations from La Raza to the NAACP (would Rachel Dolezal, nut though she is, have lost her job if someone hadn’t “outed” her as White), United Negro college fund (Whitey need not apply), Latino Resources college fund (Again, Gringo need not apply), changing lending rules for minorities so severely that it caused the 2008 financial crises…the list goes on, and on, and on.
And YOU want ME to worry about you missing a single TIP, even if you WEREN’T lying about it in the FIRST place?!? Please…
…let me know when the Federal and State and Local Governments stop violating the 14th Amendment rights of White people and ordering private businesses to do so, and then I’ll start worrying about your..tip…
Up late waiting for a school cancellation and saw proud Daniela holding up a newspaper with a big front page story photo showing a huge photo of her writing on the receipt at Cosmo and also it’s on “MTV” site so it got plenty of attention. Don’t know which it is but next time we see them. . . “do your thing Facebook” she said https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/news/a45643/this-waitress-paid-a-cancer-patients-tab-and-left-a-moving-note/ and MTV http://www.mtv.com/news/2258623/waitress-paid-cancer-patient-tab/
Well, slap my head and call me silly. Who could possibly have guessed that she just might be full of shit?
the video–the man in the biggest fight appears to have an “immigrant” wife, too
look at receipt with small looking amounts all redacted–is that ONE slice total?
Sorry but the sympathy tank is empty for immigrants and their tales of horrible abuse by the white racists in this country. Try loosing the snotty attitude’s like you were owed something.
Why do they stay here then?! I’m guessing the tips are absolute nada back in the glorious homeland of their parents. Vaya con Dios, immigrantes!
Call Mueller STAT. Smells like a Russian infiltration op with the intention of dividing the nation.
Fake propaganda.