Waitresses To Celebrity Activists – “Butt out, you’re not helping us, you’re hurting us.” – IOTW Report

Waitresses To Celebrity Activists – “Butt out, you’re not helping us, you’re hurting us.”

How dare these waitresses think they know more about what’s best for them than a celebutard!!1

(NEWSER) – Hollywood A-listers like Sarah Jessica Parker and Amy Poehler are bent on saving New York waitresses—but their response thus far isn’t exactly positive, the New York Times reports. The celebs are among 16 actresses who wrote New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo urging him to raise servers’ lower minimum wage in order to create a better environment for working women. Saying 70% of restaurant servers are female, the letter pointed to research that “relying on tips creates a more permissive work environment where customers feel entitled to abuse women in exchange for ‘service,'” per the New York Daily News“Women deserve to earn a fair base wage so that the tips they still collect don’t come at a personal cost.”

But New York servers are pushing back, saying they earn more from tips and don’t really want celebrity support. “The resounding message from servers in New York to these actresses in Hollywood is to just leave us alone,” says Maggie Raczynski, who tends bar at an Outback Steakhouse upstate. “These celebrities have literally no idea. I feel like they need to butt out.”


18 Comments on Waitresses To Celebrity Activists – “Butt out, you’re not helping us, you’re hurting us.”

  1. Hollywood Dipshitz: “We’re just here to help”
    Holy shit! We’re screwed now!

    Why would anyone want someone who can’t wind a watch without a personal assistant, personal trainer, house-keepers, chauffeurs, consultants, Analysts and psychiatrists, living their lives through the revolving door of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers “helping” them.
    I’d tell ’em to keep these Colossal Clusterfux away from me too!!

  2. “The road to hell (for other people) is paved with good intentions!!”

    …It’s about Communism, not “helping women”, @Anonymous. They’re just using these unwilling women to push their destructive agenda.

    …not even their INTENTIONS are good…

  3. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to despise Hollywood celebrities so much. Then stories like this come along and, BANG, it starts to roil me again.

    Goddam stupid people, mostly older females who are facing the end of their careers. The only way for them to remain in the public eye is to do stunts like this one.

    Heh…Sarah Jessica Parker and Amy Poehler…not very pretty and not very talented….at the end of their productive shelf life.

    There are 2 options….retire and disappear or work the rest of your lives as waitresses.

  4. @johnny
    Working for tips allows a server to literally set his or her own salary.

    working for tips means some of the money goes unreported and therefor untaxed.
    for liberals that is a sin. All money belongs to the government and must be taxed so they can spend it as they see fit.

  5. All wait staff should stop buying, watching and endorsing anything coming out of hollywood. Including refusing ‘free’ tickets. They’re screwing with YOUR money, so screw with THEIRS.

  6. Instead of dragging a business genius like Andrew Cuomo into this, couldn’t these Hollywood “A-listers” just arrange for the waitresses to “service” Harvey Weinstein?

  7. I learned my lesson about tipping when I was working in a garage. Some old guy wearing golf pants up to his chest would pull up in his immaculate 1973 Mercury Marquis and hold up a $5 bill. All he wanted was for someone to check his tires, something we did for free anyway, and he was willing to buy me lunch to do it. Ever since then, tipping has become part of my expenses, from 10% to 20% depending on the level of service. Tipping is one of the most direct benefits of a Capitalist system.


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