Wake Up and Listen to This Guy – He Speaks For Me About “Vaccines”… How About You? – IOTW Report

Wake Up and Listen to This Guy – He Speaks For Me About “Vaccines”… How About You?

I need to hear from the Covidiots.

Do they not see what they are doing by submitting to this plandemic… which is NOT a pandemic??

46 Comments on Wake Up and Listen to This Guy – He Speaks For Me About “Vaccines”… How About You?

  1. Before all the vaccine Nazi’s take away all of of our God given freedoms as American citizens we should all scream FREEDOM like William Wallace did and all in unison drop trou and moon the bastards as well. I will not comply, we need to Alinsky them with their own tactics and mock them unmercilessly till they cry Uncle.

  2. Guy is EXACTLY right. If we keep making new vaccines for each variant, we will eventually end up with some kind of monster virus that either can’t be vaccinated against at all, or (I suspect what the pharma co’s want) a virus that is deadly if not vaccinated against.

  3. Woot! Woot! That was fantastic! I’m even tempted to send it to my oldest daughter at the risk of alienating her…

    …on second thought, no, I need to be a little more subtle than that. She’s going to have to come to that realization on her own – with a little prodding from me.

  4. The majority of these patients received two vaccine doses at least five months ago, are over the age of 60 and also have chronic illnesses known to exacerbate a coronavirus infection. They range from diabetes to heart disease and lung ailments, as well as cancers and inflammatory diseases that are treated with immune-system suppressing drugs, according to Reuters

    Here’s your 60% in Israel….


  5. And

    “The reason why so many DeathJabbed people are pushy and adamant about you getting the DeathJab too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST be DeathJabbed too so that everyone suffers equally.”

    Ann Bernhardt

  6. It gets even worse. What may be happening is these anti spike protein immunity “cells”, are more robust and crowd out natural immunity cells. One problem is they have only one function and are useless against anything but the original virus or the new variant. After a few iterations of this Covid rollercoaster, your natural immune system will be thoroughly crowded out and you wont be able to fight off new variants at all

  7. This is why I am keeping to a pretty tight vitamin and nutrient regimen, being scrupulously careful about what I consume (more than usual), and going to begin intermittent fasting for real. I’ll be 53 next month so I’m going to give my body every chance it has to be resistant and to repair itself as needed.

    As for the never-ending series of vaccines that really aren’t (many of us foresaw this last year), come what may, I will not comply.

  8. While talking to my daughter in Nashville this morning she told me that they’ve been put on quarantine again and she works from home. She also works for the IRS so it’s a double whammy and thinks that the coercive part of forcing everyone to get vaccinated or else is the worst aspect of it.

  9. Groucho I would like you to explain to me how I knew of nobody who died of covid, I knew of one person who somebody I knew had known somebody who died of covid.
    Now post vaccine, it’s up to 20 now just in my little county and up to 42 people I either know or has mutual friends who have either died after taking the shot or died or dying of covid although they were fully vaccinated.

    The majority of these people are people who run in the same circles, which means all last year they were hundreds, sometimes thousands of people in close proximity with no masks and stayed perfectly healthy. Yet now with death jabs they’re dying off and not only that more unvaxxed people are actually catching covid with symptoms when last year anyone you heard who tested positive for covid had no symptoms. They’re not dying though, most are ignoring the fear porn about Ivermectin and take it and get well.

    I’m sure you have no answers for that because you want to push the damn death jab.

    I don’t have to have a medical degree to use common sense. These shots are not only killing people they’re spreading shit. Very evil people want this to happen it’s why they used fear tactics, bribery and now threats and demands to get them.

    Every damn time I hear of another one, I get even more pissed.

  10. Typical leftist. I have nothing so I will just throw insults and/or move the goal post.

    You see what I say online I will say to your face and have said to many face to face, well some of them it’s been face to mask covered face.

    You would not call me stupid to my face or say my family died because they were stupid.

  11. I could give a rats rear end about you.. I know too many covid nurses including my daughter that cry going to and leaving work because they got to watch people just like you die gasping for air with lungs full of bloodclots..

    This year 9000 Texans were just as smart as you are..

  12. We’ve been doing this for nearly two years now. Just let that sink in.

    There are approximately 30 people total in my office. On any given day, there are actually only about 21 to 25 people physically present at the same time. We’re required to mask up in the office, and we spend all day everyday out and about interacting with people. During this past almost two years, only 4 people have supposedly had this crap. No outward signs of illness, but they supposedly tested positive, so out they went to go isolate. No hospitalizations, and no deaths. Fortunately, none of us are morbidly obese, older than about 57, or have other serious comorbidities. Exactly what they had is private information, of course, and none of them will discuss it, but it’s pretty common knowledge at this point.

    Here’s the kicker: this only happened after the jab came out. And all 4 got the jab.

    Two people I knew passingly have supposedly died of it, but both were elderly women (70+ yrs.) with serious medical issues. (At least one had heart disease, and I don’t know exactly about the other.) That’s it.

    No young people hospitalized on ventilators. No kids dropping dead. The homeless population in my town — tho’ small — appears to be actually growing, despite their lack of PPE, no social distancing, piss-poor hygiene, constant exposure to the environment, etc.

    Signs up in every store saying masks required, but nobody — and I mean NOBODY — says shit to you if you aren’t wearing one.

    Fuck this shit. I am so done with it.

  13. Groucho, it seems to me you’re missing a key aspect of what most of us non-jabbers believe. Instead of receiving a positive test and then being told to go home and don’t come back till your lips turn blue, we should have access to early and immediate treatment with therapeutics that have a track record of really making a difference in reducing the severity of a Covid infection. HCQ, Ivermectin, Nitric Oxide nasal spray, are examples of early treatments that show promise but due to corruption and greed from the CDC, NIH, Big Pharma, and those in government, as well as others that are receiving payoffs, these options are being withheld. There are millions of us that aren’t interested in participating in any medical experiments.

  14. Groucho, that’s exactly my point, we shouldn’t have to go to tractor supply for medical products. Our medical professionals should have the freedom to give advice based on their knowledge of their patients and the treatment options that are available. Our corporate owned doctors are forced into medical protocols that they might not even believe in themselves.

  15. Groucho. you’re comments leave me to believe you live in a very small little dirt water community with one or two health center manned by large Black women that diagnose your shit. Dude, me and the wife got the jab due to my cancer. It ends there, where not getting jabbed again. Now they’re saying driven by the Jewish studies the Jabs only good for 3 to 6 months. Dude, sooner or later you gotta realize this is all bull shit.

  16. Still Groucho says, “I could give a rats rear end about you..”. This is really a telling statement. He pretends to be all caring but in reality he is only trying to exercise the same control over other people’s lives that our government is. I’ll bet a weeks pay that Senor Groucho is either a current or retired government employee.

  17. Groucho, your daughter sounds like someone who is in the wrong profession. My husband in his younger years was an EMT/firefighter. Many people could not do that job, they weren’t cut out for it.
    You can’t work in the medical field and not learn how to separate yourself.

    THen you want to blab on and on and about dying because they’re not jabbed. I’m not giving you links to what the media wants you to think, I’m giving you real life. These are not people I’ve never seen in my life, almost every single one I’ve seen and now they’re dead.
    The two new ones I mentioned this morning who were dying, one died. He was fully jabbed and it didn’t save him, he caught a cold and then got sick.

    Just heard of two more tonight, co-worker of a family member. His parents are sick they say it’s covid, they’ve been hospitalized, both fully jabbed. Their doctor also refused to prescribe them Ivermectin, they listened to the fear porn and didn’t want to use animal ivermectin. Laugh at it all you want, but because doctors won’t give their patients something that has been working people are left no choice than use the animal version or wait until they’re sick enough to go to the hospital where they put them on ventilators and kill them.
    Your daughter’s hospital should quit putting them on ventilators and treat them then they wouldn’t have to watch them die. Give them IV vitamin C, it’s curing people who are hospitalized when people fight for them to do it and don’t allow them to put them on ventilators.

    The medical field should be ashamed of themselves.

    As for me being stupid for almost two years I’ve never worn a mask except at the hospital and doctor’s office. I’ve been around thousands of different people and I’m still alive.

    Lots worse things in the world than covid, my husband has cancer, I’d much rather him deal with covid than cancer. He’s protecting himself with Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc. However, we didn’t know it then, but we do now when we had this shit, whether it’s covid or whatever virus it actually is, he already had cancer and it didn’t kill him. That was before we knew about any of this, we would both sit outside in the sun no matter how bad we felt, we ate tons of citrus and drank tons of orange juice and took zinc and vitamin C.

  18. I must be very careful with this…
    No stories or replies to when this gets flamed…

    Both kids in medicine and the worst of all of this mess are those that have been “vaccinated.”

    Add in those not treated early or properly (“stay home until you’re unable to breath and then come in…”) and you have the developing of what may become a “True Pandemic.”

  19. Anymouse that is my greatest fear.

    People think I’m nuts for avoiding as much as possible those who have gotten the shot.
    It is my body and this week I will find out if I have antibodies. Although either way it won’t make a difference, my family will continue to protect ourselves as we’ve been doing.

  20. Poor old Joe trying to keep friends safe, exempted them from the jab, so there are unvaccinated Federal workers from which they say all the rise in Covid cases come from maxing out hospitals. Joe you can’t have it both ways, exempted are Congress, DOJ, POSTAL, OR THOUSANDS OF FEDERAL PEOPLE NOT VACCINATED WILL NOW SPREAD COVID. If they can’t spread Covid neither can all the other unvaccinated people.

  21. Poor old Joe trying to keep friends safe, exempted them from the jab, so there are unvaccinated Federal workers from which they say all the rise in Covid cases come from maxing out hospitals. Joe you can’t have it both ways, exempted are Congress, DOJ, POSTAL, OR THOUSANDS OF FEDERAL PEOPLE NOT VACCINATED WILL NOW SPREAD COVID. If they can’t spread Covid neither can all the other unvaccinated people. its been proven that those having had the shot develop spike proteins and shed them on non jabbed folks., as this is a bio weapon and it ramifications are seen and mounting daily, The spreaders may soon pass due to generation of spike proteins waning in the body, like a bee losing its stinger. Don’t vax up, natural immunity covers you plus therapeutics.

  22. Society’s chronically gullible and stupidly naive are the go-fers, always ready to submit to any ol’ thing coming down the governmental path. Little do they know they’re being enslaved along with the rest of us, their freedoms and liberties messed with also. Stupidly, they think they’ll be on some government creepo’s ‘friend list/white-list’ if they comply and are much too dense and simpleton to read between the very bold and clear lines. Funny though how government did not sound any laughable alarms for the seasonal flu and threaten the public with all sorts of bogus stuff if they don’t take some flu vax.

  23. Still Groucho, your citation and comments about what is happening in Israel are spot on. It is true that most of the people dying are elderly and have comorbidities. Now, please apply the same criteria to the US data.

    How many people who have died of Covid, since the beginning, did not have serious comorbidities? I’ll give you a hint–per the CDC, only 6% of all Covid deaths.

    6% of all Covid deaths is roughly 39,000 (with the rounding in your favor). That’s about on par with an average flu season.

    So using the same reasoning you applied to the Israeli numbers, why are we worried about Covid again? Why should we have masks and lockdowns and forced vaccinations?

  24. I have read, more than a few, articles that say big pharma has been loosing money for about 10 years and have been trying to transition into the far more profitable field of ‘vaccines’. It sure seems as though they are ‘all in’ on this business plan. Mandatory vaccines, forever, means massive profits, forever!!!

  25. Look guys.it’s simple.You have the best brains in the world telling you not to get the vaccine.Now these people have put their reputations on the line,what do they have to gain?The other side says keep taking the vaccines even though you may have to have top-ups every couple of months or so.Those people are earning a fortune out of your crisis,are falsifying death certificates,stopping you from getting the correct treatment and are basically selling snake oil with the snake still in it.To pay for their malfeasance taxes are going sky high and things like food will become more difficult to get.These criminals have killed so many old people just by worry alone and they certainly aren’t helping young men and women.Against this lot is a bunch of good guys who are taking the bad guys to a place called Nuremberg where they have the charges of crimes against humanity.After ww2 the nazi medical doctors were hanged there.This time it will be a german lawyer prosecuting,the same one who prosecuted Vw for emissions and
    Deutschebank on the mortgage scams.The PCR tests will be first,but believe me,this story will fill history books in years to come,it is almost sci-fi

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