#WalkAway – Black Man Realizes He’s Been Lied To By the Leftwing Controlled Public School System – IOTW Report

#WalkAway – Black Man Realizes He’s Been Lied To By the Leftwing Controlled Public School System

The point that pisses him off most is the myth of the big party switch, a lie that was cobbled together in order for the democrats to explain away their racist history.

He points out that if the parties switched, why are all the democrat controlled cities complete $hitholes where the black experience is the most miserable?

Conversely, he sees evidence that the “mythical” Johnson strategy -to give just enough to blacks to string them along as party faithfuls- is real and that it has ruined the black community.

Is it possible that this country could be on the verge of a cultural renaissance, one where the left is correctly identified as the ten foot speed bump on the highway of prosperity?

ht/ riverlife callie

17 Comments on #WalkAway – Black Man Realizes He’s Been Lied To By the Leftwing Controlled Public School System

  1. I hope God follows your site and reads your comment.
    Until then, I’ll load and stack and prep.
    What have each of you done today to make things better for yourself and those you care for?

  2. He is a well spoken man who’s eyes and ears are open to reality. He will do well in life. Unfortunately, even if dems were to stop seducing black voters with government handouts and sowing the seeds of hate, it will take generations to rebuild the black family.

  3. Wait until they find out how the Clinton’s redirected all the Haiti relief money to their Democrat donors and cronies. Blacks mean nothing to the Left except their vote. Foreign

  4. Such a blessing that the many thoughtful black citizens are making themselves known via the internet. These fellow citizens have been sidelined by gross, stupid and violent folks at the bottom of the black American barrel who were embraced by progressive, cultural marxist types to keep black Americans on the DIMocRAT plantation.

    Wonderful to see all American citizens coming together for ourselves and our country.

  5. In every society there will be a sizeable subgroup who are either too genuinely lazy or who think they are smarter than everyone else — who have figured out that there are more than enough hard-working people to hide among and take advantage of. I’m appalled and amazed at the number of able-bodied people who are on some sort of taxpayer-funded handout. It takes two to tango. It will take a while for blacks and others living in Democrat ghetto plantations to stop settling at (or making sure they are at) the “poverty level” just so they can keep the gov’t perks rolling in.

    Glad to see this wave (another wave) of people who are wising up to the big picture and realizing what their vote is actually costing them in terms of real freedom and the loss of their own potential.


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