#WalkAway Campaign- The Prairie Fire is Spreading – IOTW Report

#WalkAway Campaign- The Prairie Fire is Spreading

I’ve watched many people rise and leave the Democratic Party but in this video below, this young man is the epitome of “waking up.” But he doesn’t stop there, he’s put his thoughts in a video with a new movement called #WalkAway. This is awesome. – Wayne Dupree


ht/ Janitor

28 Comments on #WalkAway Campaign- The Prairie Fire is Spreading

  1. Good for him. I applaud his work. As he gains knowledge and experience in freedom, may he hone his message to reach more lost souls in the liberal cult.

    His voice needs to be heard.

  2. We should start offering people like this a free complimentary course in the Constitution 101 just to cement their new views. I think they’ve stopped teaching anything to do with our Constitution long ago.

    Big picture we underestimate how organized our enemy is. And “eradication” is the right word.

  3. PS
    If any of you Twitter warriors are feeling feisty today, go light up Ron Perlman. He’s posted some interesting shit this morning. The guys sharp as a marble. You’ll have fun. I’m still in jail.

  4. He’s got the libs nailed but he could have spared us the preamble of just what a morally flawless man he is. Not buying it after all he {was?} a lefty.

  5. Claudia — so true. Not all of us were bathed in conservative amniotic fluid in the womb and came out clutching the flag and the Constitution. LOL! I always thought I had good company, though — people like Horowitz, Reagan, et al. Further, I think ex-libs have a view of the arguments against liberalism/progressiveism in ways that can be quite compelling; in ways that can be easily rejected by liberals if they had been made by life-long conservatives/Republicans.

  6. I don’t care what the guy’s motivations were, just that he’s another Trumplican voter and he’s spreading the word. That takes guts to “come out” in the Left’s culture of counting coup on runners, now.

  7. I don’t care if he has sparkling pinwheels on his nipples. If he’s come to the same conclusion about the dangers of leftism, collectivism, big state, groupthink Marxism then I say Welcome Aboard.
    Don’t Tread On Me includes not treading on anyone.
    As long as he’s not a militant prick, treading on me, looking for special rights or special payments, he’s on the right path.

  8. It always stuns me how when someone wakes the hell up and realizes that the Left is evil, there are still folks on our side who want to find reasons to tell him to stay out of our sandbox. I’m with Fur. I don’t care if he prances while he walks. He got red pilled.

    Good for him.

    And maybe that video isn’t for those of us who are already here, but for those who, like him, need to wake the hell up.

  9. I like the guy and what he has to say even if he might be gay, we do not know that do we? He blew the Democrats out of the water! He put it right there. Good video, I passed it on.

  10. It’s a good beginning. He still seems to have liberal ideals, like believing illegals are just immigrants and that the left haven’t been this radical before. Otherwise, he’s got the liberal doctine very much nailed.Hope he’s aboard the Trump train.


    Ronnie was a conservative Dem;never a Prog. when electing HST in ’48 he said many times “America’s greatest President was the one that said. “Government spending is merely sand in the gears!” – Honest Abe.
    He said ” I LEFT the Dem party in ’60- when they both nominated and elected a Marxist.”.
    I love Ronnie because I also was a conservative D. Pres of my college YD’s in ’63. Ronnie figured things out a little faster than I. But I figured it out eventually.

    there were many conservative D before 1961. The Mayor of LA was such a man – Good Sam.
    There are many leftist GOP (nanming names:Rove, GWB) and there used to be lots of conservative D – again naming names RONNIE

  12. It’s a start. It will take at least two generations of Constitutional Law Education and Civics Education, to bring America back to Common Sense. Taking a Flame Thrower to our Colleges would help. The Pentagon needs cleaning, as does the CIA and The FBI. The Dept. of Education should be disband. The Media? Well The Media are an entity to themselves. The are mostly wrong and unAmerican.
    They don’t like the fact that Donald Trump is Our President
    Check out the Media. Check out “The Vortex. Totally False News ”

  13. I shared the video because I thought it was excellent to be shared with confused liberals.

    No one gets persuaded by being told that they are coming from an ill-motivated place or are flat-out wrong. There are many well-intentioned people on the “other side” who aligned with the Democratic party or came to think of themselves as “liberals” or “progressives” because of a youthful interest in some issue, or who did so because of having been immersed in subtle brainwashing from academia and the entertainment industry, or who just have been “there” for a long time without recently reassessing the granular details of the transmogrifying economic, political and social platforms (like the ubiquitous frog in the soon-to-be-boiling water.)

    They still may have some issue differences, e.g. religion, abortion, whatever, but I welcome everyone’s recognition of agreement on the big picture and the broad issues, and the end of one-issue ideologue that induces some to adhere to the Democratic party simply because of those singular issues, 95% of the rest of everything be damned.

  14. The best anti-Communists are those who formerly lived under the system.
    The best anti-Liberals are those who formerly believed in their mantras.

    Just look at Ayn Rand, and conservative blogger/author David Horowitz at The Front Page Magazine website, to name only two.

  15. @Moe Tom June 9, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    “It will take at least two generations of Constitutional Law Education and Civics Education, to bring America back to Common Sense.”

    That can only define “Common Sense” as where “we” were before. So we can just keep our hands and feet in the car, without even bothering to get up off our seats, and ride the same coaster, around the same track, again.

    It’s a plan. I won’t call it a good plan. But, it’s a plan.

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