Our critters are joining the #WalkAway movement! They are using their feet to walk, crawl, swim and run away from the Democrat Party.
Images are from pictures the readers have sent to me over the last few years. I cropped the images for the feet theme and used some that I already posted and many that I haven’t posted – yet.
I made the images a little haphazard, so numbers might be hard to figure out, but I’ll do my best!
1 Jethro
2 Doug Wakeman
3 Steve Brown (Loretta)
4 Cisco Kids
5 Johnny Freedom – just below Cisco Kids
6 Dee – bunny feet (Cheech)
7 JimBob
8 Mr. Mxyzptlk – lizard foot
9 Poor Lazlo (Angus)
10 Dee (Missy)
11 luvntheBIGsites (Lucy Mae) – puppy paw
12 Rando (HouseCat #3)
13 Corky – sea turtle
14 Steve Brown (warthogs)
15 Steve Brown
16 Truckbuddy (Stewie) with a broken leg
17 & 18 Claudia (Zoe and Ivan)
19 Little Sis (Pistol)
20 Frank
21 Sturge
22 & 23 Tim – skunk feet and racoon foot
24 Bayouwulf (Ernie)
Want to see your critter on a future Sunday Critter post? Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
Lazy critters
Working critters
Feets Don’t Fail Me Now!
Animals be smarter than peoples!
Who woulda thunk it?
Thanks, Claudia!
Sweet Feets! I love your clever themes, Claudia! Thank you for making Sundays happy again.
I caved and sent in a photo of my kitty. đŸ™‚
Yea! And he’s a cutie! – Claudia
Thanks, Claudia!
I will send you more someday when I get chance–fair animals, etc. love them!
That’s about right, I think my dog might be a Democrat.
CUTE! – Claudia
Whats that smell?
Thanks for these, C! I look forward to these every week.
A feet feat!
“An effete corps of impudent … feet …?”
(apologies to Spiro T. Agnew)
izlamo delenda est …