#WalkAway Founder Interviewed By Judge Jeanine – This Haunts the Left’s Dreams – IOTW Report

#WalkAway Founder Interviewed By Judge Jeanine – This Haunts the Left’s Dreams

Progressive and gay, and he woke up to the left’s hypocrisy, the left’s hate, the left’s victimhood mentality.

7 Comments on #WalkAway Founder Interviewed By Judge Jeanine – This Haunts the Left’s Dreams

  1. This fag was looking for a way to gain fame. He was perceptive enough to see the trending shift and jumped on the opportunity. He would have buggered a donkey in Madison Square Garden if that’s what it took.

  2. Wow, such cynicism here. Personally, I don’t care what his motivations were. Maybe they were even what he says they were. I just know that if this can get people to walk away from the Democrats, that has to be a good thing. We have to win elections in order to get President Trump’s agenda passed. If this helps do it, then good for him.

  3. At the end of the interview he alluded to a future project.
    I like the guy, well spoken and a decent human being.

    Him being gay is only relevant because leftists suck and we have to shove this shit right back in their ignorant faces.

  4. @ Organgrinder – really? We are on the edge of a mighty INCLUSIVE, yes I said it, next Victory and all you can say is FAG?? POTUS is about to destroy the Dem and maybe even Rep parties.

    Let’s say it more, FAG FAG FAG.

    Feel better?

    @ riverlife_callie – correct.

    @ Loco – being gay used to be relevant…now that the left has made it mainstream they are confused.



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