Walker Set To Announce Endorsement – IOTW Report

Walker Set To Announce Endorsement

The Extract

Though he has acknowledged there is “only one candidate,” namely Cruz, who can feasibly beat Trump in the primary election, Walker has previously insisted he would announce his endorsement at at time and place arranged for “maximum impact.”

During a radio interview with WTMJ host Charlie Sykes on Tuesday — the same day as his home state’s primary — Walker is set to announce the candidate he is backing. Even Sykes has revealed that he does not know for certain which White House hopeful it will be.


15 Comments on Walker Set To Announce Endorsement

  1. If he thinks he will get maximum impact by making his announcement on the day of the primary he is nuts. Does he think people are waiting to see who he endorses before they vote? No wonder he never really got any traction early in the election cycle.

  2. Walker…Priebus…Ryan (and McConnell and Cochran and and and…)

    GEE… I *wonder* who will be the darling of the GOPe.
    One step away from an Obama “Kiss Of Death” Endorsement.

  3. Nothing says delusion like telling me who you’ll back and expecting me to give a shit.

    Too bad, he’s another one that could have quit after his very successful governorship and forever have been thought to be a good guy. Instead we get this parade.

  4. The Wisconsin primary in next Tuesday, so if he announced today he thinks a week is the impact.

    He has projected he is anti Trump, not pro Cruz. Every time this happens I cringe for Cruz, does he not understan he is being used and at a brokered convention he is toast? Actually he must, therefore making him 100% establishment.

  5. He’s in the middle of the endorsement right now (9:17 am Central).

    I wish Scott Walker would have just stayed out of it.

    I think Democrats who loath Walker (i.e. union stalwarts) are going to cross over in droves next week and vote for Trump, just to spite the Governor. He may have just handed the state to Donald Trump with this endorsement.

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