Wall of Meat – IOTW Report

Wall of Meat

Bikers for Trump!

Chris Cox formed a group back in 2015 to help Trump get elected. They have grown to 200,000 from the first meeting of about 100 bikers.

They are heading to the inauguration and will be available to become a “Wall of Meat” at the police barriers if protests get out of hand.

16 Comments on Wall of Meat

  1. Super paranoid conspiracy:

    What if we’re being set up for the largest production ever of Y.M.C.A.?

    You’ve got 100,000s of cops and guys in leather clothing and sunglasses. There are tens of thousands of guys constructing the stages and other setups around town. Is there an Indian Nation contingency we haven’t heard about yet?

    Biggest flash mob dance ever!

    Wouldn’t that mind-fuck the left.

  2. I predict that the whole leftists disruption plan will fall flat. They are at heart a bunch of cowards, and when they come in contact with multitudes of decent citizens who are done taking crap – they will be on their best behavior.

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