Walter Sh*tty Strikes Again – IOTW Report

Walter Sh*tty Strikes Again

Biden claims he took a train over the Francis Scott Key Bridge “many, many times.”

31 Comments on Walter Sh*tty Strikes Again

  1. Someone on Twitter made a bet for how long it would take Biden to say he had been on that bridge! I laughed. Now who’s laughing?

    I’m so sick of this demented, nasty, evil slob.

  2. “My son Beau died on that bridge after I marched with Martin Luther King & Nelson Mandela over it for civil rights when they used to call it the Edmund Pettus Bridge”
    “Storybook man, black people can be just as clean & just as smart as White people”

  3. Joey is the little engine that couldn’t. He thinks he can, he thinks he can, and he makes everything up in his retarded brain that’s obsessed with lying about mythical trains that don’t exist. Choo choo, or should we make it poo, poo.

  4. He’ll politicize it and say …
    ”See? Infrastructure. It’s what I’ve been saying along.
    Infrastructure. You’re not paying your fair share. We need more money…blah blah…”

  5. Joe liked to tell the story of how he saw bank robbers riding alongside the train as it approached Baltimore. Thinking quickly, he ran to the mail car and grabbed the scatter gun they kept hidden in the safe. Instructing the postal worker to hold his suspenders, Joe leaned out the service door and let loose with two might blast of the shotgun. That sure made those old banditos hightail it out of there, at least according to Joe.

  6. The Obama puppet is doing what he’s told, in return for his scummy wife Jill living large. Btw, being it’s Biden and that magic homo Pete Butthead that’ll be in charge of building the new bridge, it won’t be completed until 2050 and will cost more than all the moon missions combined – and will be renamed the George Floyd Bridge. If Trump were to build it, it’d be even more beautiful, built on budget and renamed The New Francis Scott Key Bridge.


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