Wanna Drive Around World Cities With the Radio On? – IOTW Report

Wanna Drive Around World Cities With the Radio On?

You can do that HERE

15 Comments on Wanna Drive Around World Cities With the Radio On?

  1. Fun but haven’t seen traffic moving like that in Toronto in about 30 years. It’s pretty well gridlock most of the time on the main streets. The roads continue to deteriorate while the bike lanes continue to proliferate.

  2. @ RadioMattM FRIDAY, 19 JANUARY 2024, 9:49 AT 9:49 AM
    Not exactly a Ham, but a commercial broadcast license
    Formerly 1st class FCC Radiotelephone with Radar Endorsement

  3. I wasn’t able to get any radio music, no doubt user error.
    It was fun to click on all the countries we visited in 1976 as newly weds. We took a two month travel of 12 European countries with our backpacks, first class Eur-rail passes, Alpine tent, and an Optimus camp stove you could hold in one hand. We used travelers checks on a severe budget after reading some book, Let’s go Europe. We met great people and I learned all the people had the same wants for family, country, and God. It was a life influence of value. And, it was great to come home to the good ol’ USA (need I say toilet paper). When the plane touched back down at O’Hare, the passengers burst out on cheers! I was a beautiful thing in a time where people still like Americans.

  4. @ RadioMattM FRIDAY, 19 JANUARY 2024, 11:05 AT 11:05 AM
    Same here, Got mine in 1972,
    Got the Blue 2nd w/Radar then 1st, went to that silly General yellow/orange then finally the little white business card that doesn’t mean anything anymore.

  5. I hate a$$h0le$ who drive by playing God-awful “music” out of their car stereos at top volume. I wanna blast them with bad polka and bagpipe music sp they know how I feel.

  6. @Dumb Bunnies. Never got the radar endorsement. I am tempted to go for the Telegraph licenses but my code is extremely rusty, to say the least — not that my tech knowledge is much better by this point.

    I bought my ham rig off of EBay and something shorts out if I plug a key in. The receiver is pretty noisy, too, and I have not been able to pick up code at a speed that doesn’t make my brain hurt. For some reason it only seems to transmit on 20 meters. I have tuned it up on other bands but they are intermittent now.

    Got my Third with B endorsement in 1973. I thought they still had the General phone license – but I really don’t know. I do know that broadcast stations don’t even have to have on-duty operators anymore.

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