Wanna Go For a Walk? – IOTW Report

Wanna Go For a Walk?

The longest road in the world to walk, is from Cape Town (South Africa) to Magadan (Russia). No need for planes or boats, there are bridges. It’s a 22,387 kilometers (13911 miles) and it takes 4,492 hours to travel. It would be 187 days walking nonstop, or 561 days walking 8 hours a day. Along the route, you pass through 17 countries, six time zones and all seasons of the year.

17 Comments on Wanna Go For a Walk?

  1. This should be a required walk for congressional candidates at the end of their 6th year, should they have a desire to serve 6 more years before the absolute end to their political endeavours.

  2. Do not try this, Millennials and Gen Z. You’d likely be dead or imprisoned before you got out of Africa, certainly before you got to the border of Russia. Worst of all, your phones would be stolen before you got to Botswana

  3. I’ve probably walked there and back already. I average 5 miles a day walking, and been walking it for the past 25 years. That walk would be a challenge, and if I were 25 years younger, I’d like to try it. Given today’s social environment, no one would make it past the 5 mile marker.


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