Wanna see a perfect example of a scummy leftist? – IOTW Report

Wanna see a perfect example of a scummy leftist?

By the way, is it possible for a head to be fatter? I submit that, no, it is not possible.

23 Comments on Wanna see a perfect example of a scummy leftist?

  1. “By the way, is it possible for a head to be fatter? I submit that, no, it is not possible.”

    Imagine if a GIF existed of his mouth opening and closing. I shudder to think what would be flying in.

  2. The ancient old question arises. From Plato’s Republic.
    “Who guards the guardians”? Dirty cops are a plight on our society.
    The DOJ, FBI, CIA, and others in power must be cleaned out.
    I hope AG Barr can do it. I’m just glad I’m on the back nine.
    God Help America, and God Bless President Trump.
    BTW. I am sure there are many patriots in these organizations but they must come forward en masse.

  3. Please someone come forward with a count on the number of swirlies this asshole had to endure in High School! Just his voice alone would provide reason enough to drown this jackass.


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