Uh..what’s with those medals dude/dudette??
First of all he’s NOT a veteran. Second of all if he stays in the service he’ll get fragged, Third of all the DOD is pretty good and finding, charging, and expelling assholes. Send this fucker to Venezuela.
Probably a pole smoker as well.
You’re too kind, that’s not the same 4 letter word I would use for him. Aren’t west point cadets tuition free?
Don’t tell me that none of his classmates or his roommates knew about this. And they still let him walk among them? With all his teeth?
We are doomed.
John Kerry Junior , is just setting his coarse for the Senate. Sky’s the limit Faggot !
Where’s a suicide bomber when you need him?
Can someone please arrest this imbecile BEFORE he shoots up a military base?
GI shower, wire brush and Ajax.
That pencil necked pole smoker needs to bulk up, my sister could kick his ass.
The commie infiltration is far and wide.
WHAT………. McMaster has a son??
Wait, you’re allowed to have that much hair at WP? I think this is a ruse.
The article states that this behavior — of making political statements while in uniform — is punishable under the UCMJ. I hope the UCMJ has more to say about what *kinds* of political statements are grounds for dishonorable discharge. This is outrageous.
Damn you, Edward R. Murrow.
He’s probably looking for an out of his service. He is in violation of code, for making political statements while in uniform. Throw him in the brig and give him the bill for his education.
Too much hair. It’s a ruse.
Like looking at a young Paul Ryan.
I suspect this is fake
OMG!… We are so fucked as a country now if this is what can pass through West Point.
Spoiled liberal rich kid, needs an ass beating
This brat will be squaling for a sex change, on the govt’s dime, soon.
WTH? I’m in shock. Disbelief. Is this a joke or for real? Family members here are Academy grads. Who the hell is this guy? How’d he get in? Who nominated him? American or some kind of special or foreign recruit? Where’s he currently serving? This is disgusting.
I’m afraid we will be seeing detritus from the Obama administration for years to come before it’s cleaned up.
General Mathis needs to hear about this. I’d be very interested in what he had to say.
Eliminate him! One way or another, the sooner the better!
Blanket party and “friendly fire” (which isn’t). That will solve the problem.
What catches me is that he was wearing CIB (or EIB, not sure which), airborne, and helo badges. Stolen Valor?
Man, I haven’t seen such a smooth patsy setup since Oswald.
Ooh, my gaydar just rang the loudest of bells.
The article says he’s a graduate? This kid is in for one hell of a wake up call when he gets to an actual infantry unit.
I’d pay $50 to read his first OER.
We need a deadpool on this guy. I’m going blanket coverage with “2018”. But if you want to pin down a month, that would be cool too.
Who nominated him? No one gets in without a sponsor. That perdon has some splainin’ to do.
“Every candidate must secure a nomination from a congressman, senator or the vice president, or if eligible, secure a service-connected nomination.”
My sodomite meter just exploded.
Is there still a firing squad in place? If so, he’s a candidate.
Weiner’s brother?
@ Dadof4
My money’s on McStain. This kid exudes self love and self abuse along with ringing my gaydar bell.
Future Democrat congressman.
Probably thinks he’s immune thanks to Obama’s planting communists at the highest levels of govt. Maybe he’s right. But where there’s one in the open, there’s dozens more in hiding.
Taxpayers fund the tuition of the military academies.
Voted “Most Likely to be Killed by Friendly Fire,” by his graduating classmates.
Remember that face so when you see it up close you know what to do. i hope this if fake news.
No one is this stupid. It is either a hoax or he is trying to get kicked out of the military after 4 free years of education with pay.
there are limited ways how a cadet or midshipman can get into one of our military academies. Most get in via appointment by a US Senator or US Congressman. Some earn their way in via the enlisted ranks.
My bet is some asshole fucktard Democrat politican knew damn well what this fucktard’s politics were and gleefully appointed him to Hudson High.
This sonofabitch bastard needs immediate justice in front of a UCMJ board. Strip him of his commission, boot him out of the Army and then make him repay the American taxpayers for his million-dollar education.
Uh..what’s with those medals dude/dudette??
First of all he’s NOT a veteran. Second of all if he stays in the service he’ll get fragged, Third of all the DOD is pretty good and finding, charging, and expelling assholes. Send this fucker to Venezuela.
Probably a pole smoker as well.
You’re too kind, that’s not the same 4 letter word I would use for him. Aren’t west point cadets tuition free?
Don’t tell me that none of his classmates or his roommates knew about this. And they still let him walk among them? With all his teeth?
We are doomed.
John Kerry Junior , is just setting his coarse for the Senate. Sky’s the limit Faggot !
Where’s a suicide bomber when you need him?
Can someone please arrest this imbecile BEFORE he shoots up a military base?
GI shower, wire brush and Ajax.
That pencil necked pole smoker needs to bulk up, my sister could kick his ass.
The commie infiltration is far and wide.
WHAT………. McMaster has a son??
Wait, you’re allowed to have that much hair at WP? I think this is a ruse.
The article states that this behavior — of making political statements while in uniform — is punishable under the UCMJ. I hope the UCMJ has more to say about what *kinds* of political statements are grounds for dishonorable discharge. This is outrageous.
Damn you, Edward R. Murrow.
He’s probably looking for an out of his service. He is in violation of code, for making political statements while in uniform. Throw him in the brig and give him the bill for his education.
Too much hair. It’s a ruse.
Like looking at a young Paul Ryan.
I suspect this is fake
OMG!… We are so fucked as a country now if this is what can pass through West Point.
Spoiled liberal rich kid, needs an ass beating
This brat will be squaling for a sex change, on the govt’s dime, soon.
WTH? I’m in shock. Disbelief. Is this a joke or for real? Family members here are Academy grads. Who the hell is this guy? How’d he get in? Who nominated him? American or some kind of special or foreign recruit? Where’s he currently serving? This is disgusting.
I’m afraid we will be seeing detritus from the Obama administration for years to come before it’s cleaned up.
General Mathis needs to hear about this. I’d be very interested in what he had to say.
Eliminate him! One way or another, the sooner the better!
Blanket party and “friendly fire” (which isn’t). That will solve the problem.
What catches me is that he was wearing CIB (or EIB, not sure which), airborne, and helo badges. Stolen Valor?
Man, I haven’t seen such a smooth patsy setup since Oswald.
Ooh, my gaydar just rang the loudest of bells.
The article says he’s a graduate? This kid is in for one hell of a wake up call when he gets to an actual infantry unit.
I’d pay $50 to read his first OER.
We need a deadpool on this guy. I’m going blanket coverage with “2018”. But if you want to pin down a month, that would be cool too.
Who nominated him? No one gets in without a sponsor. That perdon has some splainin’ to do.
“Every candidate must secure a nomination from a congressman, senator or the vice president, or if eligible, secure a service-connected nomination.”
My sodomite meter just exploded.
Is there still a firing squad in place? If so, he’s a candidate.
Weiner’s brother?
@ Dadof4
My money’s on McStain. This kid exudes self love and self abuse along with ringing my gaydar bell.
Future Democrat congressman.
Probably thinks he’s immune thanks to Obama’s planting communists at the highest levels of govt. Maybe he’s right. But where there’s one in the open, there’s dozens more in hiding.
Taxpayers fund the tuition of the military academies.
Voted “Most Likely to be Killed by Friendly Fire,” by his graduating classmates.
Remember that face so when you see it up close you know what to do. i hope this if fake news.
No one is this stupid. It is either a hoax or he is trying to get kicked out of the military after 4 free years of education with pay.
there are limited ways how a cadet or midshipman can get into one of our military academies. Most get in via appointment by a US Senator or US Congressman. Some earn their way in via the enlisted ranks.
My bet is some asshole fucktard Democrat politican knew damn well what this fucktard’s politics were and gleefully appointed him to Hudson High.
This sonofabitch bastard needs immediate justice in front of a UCMJ board. Strip him of his commission, boot him out of the Army and then make him repay the American taxpayers for his million-dollar education.
Apparently from NY. Graduated in 2016.
Do we possibly think Chucky Schumer may have nominated him?
Another link