Wanna See Unintended Comedy? Watch This Nasally Dope – IOTW Report

Wanna See Unintended Comedy? Watch This Nasally Dope

I don’t want to give away what this is about. Here’s a hint. It rhymes with Trump and fascist.

ht/ fdr in hell

27 Comments on Wanna See Unintended Comedy? Watch This Nasally Dope

  1. While everything this clown just said is provably bullshit, let me illustrate with one obvious example.

    He claimed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was “blaming the Jews” right? But watch closely and you’ll see Orban was specifically referencing George Soros as being the monster who was trying to destroy Hungary.

    And Orban is 100% correct, ole Gyorgy Schwartz, his real name, was a NAZI collaborator during WWII, and he sold his Jewish countrymen out to be annihilated, so clearly he ain’t no Jew is he?

    This douchebag professor of bullshit is another example of just how far academia has lurched to the left, and a shining example of why sending you kids to one of these “elite” schools should be considered child abuse.

    Unless of course you want them to be programmed with propaganda and lies!

  2. The column at this link provides some insight into the worldview of this pathetic excuse of a human being in this video that is actually a professor at Yale. He’s a radical, communist loving, brain-dead moron that has no lucid connection to reality. Just another typical example of what “higher education” has become these days, even in Ivy League schools. I’ve known high school dropouts with a better grasp of history and reality than this buffoon.


  3. Funny how the US wasn’t fascist during WW2, we had a sense of nationalism, a specific enemy, mucho grande propaganda demonizing said enemy, rounding up said enemies and placing them in camps. But I guess if the media and a democrat are nationalists it’s ok. I wonder how his Jewish parents could stand America? I guess they hated it so much they sent their son to Yale to subvert it toward communism

  4. TO Chance
    Actually, Soros *IS*/was Jewish. That’s why his real father gave him up to be “adopted” by the Soros family.
    Of course, this makes George’s collaboration with Mr. Soros’ confiscation activities all the worse, but that’s another matter.

    Though this nasal/anal “professor” is *technically* correct, it’s HE who is using the manipulative technique of taking an ounce of truth and mixing it with a pound of lies…typical Leftism (oh, wait. Nazism, too).

  5. Soros, forgetting his borne creed, was mentally ill from birth. Like Clintons, Bushes, Pelousie, Waters,,, easier to just list independent non-career greedy do as I say and not as I do pocket lining trash. Very hard to find now or 50 years ago.

  6. A warped and completely dystopian view of our president. He’s so transparently blind to reality it would be useless to debate him. What should be done is to have him removed from any position teaching and to use his own words to produce an educational piece explaining the glaring flaws in this sniveling creeps thinking. It should be shown as a companion piece to this trash.

  7. This should be titled: “Propaganda on propaganda, or How to Fist the Mind of the Young, Impressionable Ignoranus” by yet a nuther “Perfesser” who is OK with Socialism, Communism and 52 Genders…

  8. He should have spent decades studying nasal problems.
    He did exactly what the climate change Goreans did.
    Decided on his conclusion and then came up with a story to justify that conclusion.
    No mention of Obama using the DOJ to oppress people or any of his or the left’s actual fascism.
    He is a true propagandist.

  9. Larry: Obama’s Fascism explained.

    #1- The Mythic Past: A past destroyed by Capitalism, conservatives and Republicans. A lie that sounded great, to someone.

    #2- Sow Division: Obama divided the nation on race, income, politics, and especially against law & order.

    #3- Attack the Truth: Virtually every word from the left is anti intellectual. From AGW nonsense, to election credibility, to mobs to economics to socialism. All lies repeated over and over.

    Larry, Leftism is Fascism

  10. This is what passes for an intellectual these days? This guy spent a “decade” studying fascism and figured out how to imply a few key points of Saul Alinski’s Rules for Radicals to the Trump campaign of 2 years ago? Project much?

    This bonehead didn’t even try to define fascism:
    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

    Trump celebrates the individual. Overdue CMH awards.
    Trump is decentralizing government. Not hiring Fed replacements.
    Trump a dictator? Why is he campaigning for elected offices?
    Trump pushes free markets and less regimentation. NAFTA Redeal.
    Trump hasn’t forcibly suppressed anyone or ANTIFA would be rounded up as domestic terrorists.

    This “professor” is a moron who spent a decade studying something he clearly doesn’t have a clue about himself. Even Saul would be pissed at the ham-handed plagiarism.


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