Wanna see what constitutes a misdemeanor in Portland? – IOTW Report

Wanna see what constitutes a misdemeanor in Portland?

Violent attack upon a woman, and Portlanders don’t even detain the guy. Where are the men in Portland?

Well lefty ladies, you seem to want pussies for men, and you got them. (And I’m including the attacker.)

h/ hot salsa

31 Comments on Wanna see what constitutes a misdemeanor in Portland?

  1. When I was about eight or nine we had a neighbor kid who used to taunt me mercilessly, and one day my brother beat him up for it. He was several years older than me and had no business picking on a little girl, and my brother let that be known. That has always stayed with me.

    What kind of a man sees this happen, what happened to this woman, and just watches the perp stroll away? I find this shocking and disgraceful and I really wish those pseudo men are ostracized for letting that woman’s abuser away like this.

  2. Here I sit in my truck on break downtown and wishing that happened in In front of me. Would of gone after him and gave him a good talking to, so to speak.

  3. The Mayor is counting on the fact that the majority of Portland voters are too stoned to notice. So, no problems here, nothing to see, well, nothing to see out of the crushed eye anyways and the voters are still happy to party on dude.

  4. Filthy night-shirt-wearing Muslim. That’s why it was only a misdemeanor. And why is the perp and one of the other Muslim “men” holding on to their Johnson, Michael Jackson style? WTF

  5. This is the sort of thing that ends up making vigilante justice necessary to restore some kind of law and order on the lawless people who are running amok.

    Big problems are always the result of smaller problems that were ignored instead of being dealt with before they went out of control.

    No exceptions.

  6. I know people like to bandy about this idea that they deserve what they get, but I’m just not on board, first of all because I have no clue how she voted, and treating her as if she deserves to be assaulted based on where she lives is no better than how fascist liberals pass judgements about us.

    At Christmas I went to visit some “long-lost” relatives in Upstate New York. I was surprised to find they were gun-owning, conservative-minded people who loathe the liberals of today (as do most in their area). I learned this by observation but also when I asked how they can vote for what happens in New York and they said they are outnumbered, but won’t leave because their space will just get filled up by the dirtbags they leave behind. They have no quarrel with those who choose to leave, and say if they have to ever endure what some people had, they may also, but for now they are putting up a fight.

    They also brought up a good point, about how in some ways these fascist liberal enclaves are not unlike some Third World countries – not just the physical conditions but also mental ones. You hear about how lots of people actually don’t agree with what’s going on but are forced to play along because of the families they come from, or abuse they may endure, etc. Not everyone is leader material and not all people are strong – or they may have hidden strength but need support, even just to know they won’t have poles stuck up their arses that come out of their mouths if they speak out. I’m not saying that sort of thing happens in places like Portland, but who the hell knows what goes on? We see how antifa behaves, why would they be any different to family members or friends who threaten their position?

    Sorry this got so long, I am just saying it’s easy to sit from our perches (I’m in a very red state) in judgment, but it’s easy to forget that when people like that get the message from us, that we think they are getting what’s coming to them, why should we expect them to take any risks?

  7. Either he’s a weakling or she can take a punch. She didn’t go down.
    After all that’s happened you still don’t believe we have a “justice” system do you?

  8. @Red Hand of Boo, I can only speak for myself.
    I left a very blue state. It cost me much, but I did it. Now live in a very red state, happily.
    Glad I did it before it’s not allowed (?)
    If the fascists come at me here, I will war against them.
    After all, aren’t they the ones who preen about ‘we are a democracy’?

    They’ll see on themselves the bloody, mortal side of democracy, if need be.

  9. I agree Red, if I had witnessed that I’d have been on him like a fucking werewolf just for having the balls to think nobody would do anything about it.
    A bunch of pussy’s standing by for that pisses me off.

  10. @Anonymous, like my relatives, I have no quarrel with those who leave. I’m fortunate I never had to deal with blue state crap, but who knows how much I could take if I did? So I try not to easily pass judgment on others. (It reminds me a little of the woman lawyer in Iran, I forget her name, but she wrote a book about her experiences. I was enthusiastic to read it at first, until I got to the part where she condemned people who leave Iran, saying they are dead to her. To me that’s bullsh**.)

    Funny thing is that your comment about it not being allowed one day, I no longer scoff at such stuff. I don’t jump into conspiracy theories, but no longer scoff. After all, the sh** going down today, 15 years ago, maybe even 10, we would have laughed ourselves silly thinking such absurdity could actually occur.

    I’m glad you were able to get to a better place for yourself and hope things are going well.

  11. I think this would be a perfect time to SSS.

    Shoot, Shovel, Shut up

    I heard that here a few times. This lack of justice is getting pretty tiring. SSS will be the result.

  12. Choose to create and live in your little lefty paradise that resembles hell and bad things will happen to you.
    You aided and abbetted in your own demise woman.

  13. Totally unacceptible and the perp would have been shot around here…. at least for the time being. ralphy’s on a roll.
    I wonder though if it was domestic…
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  14. She must sue him and raise the biggest stink EVER.: goes on every tv network telling her story, replaying the video, and demands justice. Then sue the mayor who has enabled this nightmare in Portland.


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