Want Gay Fries With That? – IOTW Report

Want Gay Fries With That?

What are we including, where, and why when I’m eating?


McDonald’s customers in Washington, D.C., can expect their next order of fries to come with a message of inclusivity.

In celebration of the city’s LGBTQ community, select McDonald’s locations in the D.C. area will be serving large orders of french fries in rainbow-print packaging during Pride weekend.

The colorful fry boxes will be available between June 9 and June 11, but only while supplies last, and only at three specific McDonald’s restaurants located along this year’s Capital Pride Alliance’s parade route.


ht/ nm

46 Comments on Want Gay Fries With That?

  1. Are the fries not selling well anymore that they have to color the box they come in now for the attention?
    Work on your recipes, dumbasses! McDonalds was the first to cave into Big Mich’s healthy food bullshit, so it’s no wonder they are into this, too. It’s intrusive and annoying. And WEAK! Like the taste of their food.

  2. I’ve never understood the “gay pride” thing. What are you proud of? That you can have sex with a member of your own sex? As if that’s an accomplishment?

    Can I go into McDonald’s and request a “normal” large fries container and tell them it’s because I want the world to know that I support people who have sex with members of the opposite sex?

    People with a life take pride in accomplishments.

  3. Okay, I just saw the “I’m lovin’ it,” tagline at the bottom of the rainbow colors and threw up a little bit in my mouth. McDonalds is lovin’ that people have sex with members of their own sex? What a strange thing to love. If everyone chose to do that the human race would die out in a generation. Whoohoo! Let’s all celebrate!

  4. Having lived in Germany for 6 years, we saw sex workers represented in parades, including with their own floats.

    Soooo, I my family and I went to a Gay Pride parade in Palm Springs, CA years ago. We never made it out of the car.

    The parade hadn’t started, but as we looked for parking, we were ‘exposed’ to perversions we never knew about and could not begin to answer questions about.

    To quote ‘Clark Griswald’, in VACATION, “Roll ’em up!” We left.

    So what are they celebrating and in what are they proud? Freedom to have sex? We all have that. From the horrid display that long ago weekend, I think the answer is perversion.

    However, I am broad minded enough to know that one person’s ‘normal’ may be another’s perversion. But, please, some things do not need to be on display. Go to Walmart or anywhere public and see how many of us, we would want to watch having sex or even displaying their sexual costumes and equipment. Not pretty.

  5. I’m going to go to my local McDonald’s today and order some fries. If they come in that rainbow package I’m going to make a scene they’ll never forget right then and there. “Being reminded of two guys sucking each other off and screwing each other in the ass is supposed to make these fries more appetizing? WHAT IS MCDONALDS THINKING?!! I WANT TO TALK TO THE MANAGER!!”

  6. If people want equality they have to stop pointing themselves out by segregating into little groups. This goes for *all groups* that gather and conform together in an effort to point out to the rest of us how they shouldn’t be segregated? I’m tired of having everyone’s agenda shoved down my throat. If you want equality – then just be equal and go on with your day. Quit segregating yourselves into special interest groups, being noisy about it, all the while telling the rest of us to treat you equally and not to notice your special group.

  7. Gay pride is about accepting who you are and who other’s are. It’s a fucking rainbow get over yourselves. On top of that if you’re eating McDonald’s you’re probably a fat piece of shit. If you stop eating McDonald’s for a rainbow fry box. You’re a fucking dumb ass.

  8. Kye, first of all, there’s no apostrophe in others.
    If they’ve accepted themselves already, what’s the rainbow about? Because we don’t know gay people exist otherwise? The rainbow fry boxes are just pandering and patting gays on the head for some cash and prizes. You think that’s moral? You think further separating people into groups is a great idea? You’re okay with that? The only thing smelling of shit is your ideology and your willingness to victimize other human beings so that you can pretend you’re being a good person. Fuck off, Kye, you’re a bigot.

  9. >On top of that if you’re eating McDonald’s you’re probably a fat piece of shit>

    hmmmmm…. that’s a haughty display of tolerance there, pal. You hate fat people?
    How come you’re not accepting them for who they are?

    You’ve revealed yourself to be of no worth, brain-wise.
    Move along.

  10. It seems Kye is stereotyping the typical McDonald’s patron.
    I’m far from fat but I occasionally enjoy a breakfast sandwich or Quarter Pounder with Cheese, no onions.

    Regarding the homo-fries, sexual proclivities have NO BUSINESS in ANY EATING ESTABLISHMENT!
    If you own a gay bar, fine, but a national chain?

    I think many gays are ashamed of being abnormal, hence the “pride” canard.

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