Want to Laugh Out Loud? – IOTW Report

Want to Laugh Out Loud?

I really did. She is cute, funny and love her expressions.

Watch until the end. Seriously.

If you can’t see it, try HERE.

30 Comments on Want to Laugh Out Loud?

  1. I actually find that a little disturbing. There’s always been fruits, flakes and nuts, but now days the deviants think they have a free pass the expose their weird shit in public. If that were my wife or daughter I’d be checking her car for one of those air trackers.

  2. Illustr8r, that article was news to me. Selling pictures of feet? One more thing, is the 11 year old in the article another child without a dad in the house, or did she ask her dad to paint her toe nails? What a world we live in.

  3. I guess I failed to see the humor. What’s so funny? She got 8$80 out of the guy and she shows no shame. I’m with Brad, she should check her car for a tracking device.

  4. There’s a lot of shift I’ll never understand but I’ll bet there are hundreds of internet pages of feet, hands, noses, ears, chickens, Dutch colonials, tack hammers, lollipops are whatever else turns one on all available more-or-less free of charge.

  5. Too creepy! My son had female friends in veterinary school that sold foot pictures online to help fund their education, really sad. The girls claimed it was “empowering”. My son didn’t spend too much time with them, he found the whole thing off putting.

  6. Yep, it’s a thing. It’s called “partialism” and involves human body parts (living). It’s sometimes confused with “fetishism”, which involves inanimate objects.

    So, porn.

  7. She got more than $80.00. She also got a free tank of gas.
    I’ll never understand the foot fetish thing. There are other things on a pretty young lady I’d rather see.

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