Wanted: New Conservative Fighters – IOTW Report

Wanted: New Conservative Fighters

Let me be blunt. It’s obvious to me that the political right needs a fighting force—an organized ground level force built for the political conflicts of the 21st century. Politics has become a contact sport. This force must be unlike many GOP political figures who want to avoid contact and seem obsessed with being admired by the left and the editorial boards of the New York Times and CNN, rather than pushing back against the people seeking to destroy them. Who was it that said, you can’t fix stupid?

The left aided by the liberal media has declared war on conservatives. They have declared war on cops, the Constitution, the rule of law, due process, religion, and free speech. To counter this, we need political street fighters, brawlers to help President Trump push back against the swamp, the deep state, never-Trumpers on the right, and the Washington establishment. Currently, Trump has to rely on a group of your grandfather’s Republicans who mistakenly believe that you can compromise with the left or that you can win at political warfare from inside the safe space of a think tank, a TV studio, or from a DC cocktail party.

Traditional GOP politicians and elites do not realize that going forward into the 2020 elections the tactics they are currently using that had previously worked to win elections have become obsolete and ineffective at countering the guerrilla-type warfare tactics of the Democrat Party and the American left.

Somebody needs to tell these Republican intellectual elites that the other side is shooting at us figuratively and literally as in the case of Congressman Steve Scalise. In this new age of political warfare, they have allowed the left to dictate the rules of engagement. In turn, the left has turned politics into the art of lying. They control the language that can be used and thus control the narrative. Anyone who thinks the left will play fair or use traditional methods to win debates or elections is dangerously naïve. These political ambushes are the metaphorical equivalent of a roadside IED. Often you won’t know the left’s blast is coming until it’s too late in the election cycle when their eleventh-hour surprise smears or outright lies appear. Recall when former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney didn’t pay his taxes for ten years. After the election when Reid was confronted about the outright lie he smugly responded, “It worked didn’t it?”  more here

21 Comments on Wanted: New Conservative Fighters

  1. Damn fine summary wrap-up.

    I especially worry about voter fraud: the only elections that count are the ones the left wins — by ballot harvesting, illegal voting, or other means I’ve not even thought of, as yet.

    What to do? The Tea Party is moribund. I don’t think the Koch boys will help….

    I don’t know. If the monsters can just keep the nails in the coffin of the Clinton corruption, the DOJ and FBI corruption a little longer, maybe….

    …..maybe they *will* win? ….Lady in Red

  2. I’m up, lets start with the press, catch a few of them in the wrong place at the wrong time and whale the living snot out of them. They’ll piss themselves before getting in front of another camera and running their cock holsters. They’ll get the idea we’re done playing games.

  3. First, send the NRA’s children’s choir to clean up Antifa and BLM. They will be done by nap time. Next disparch the cell phone blocking drones to all the universities and vegan coffee shops, that will have the remainder of the fighting age lefties in their parents basement by sundown.

  4. I would recommend that you all read Rules For Radicals by Saul Alinski. Hillary Clinton and Obama are students of Alinski. The only way we can defeat the left is to understand how and why they think the way they do.

  5. I don’t know who his intended audience was. So, maybe, fake truths were all he could offer them. That still doesn’t make them truthy.

    The Republican Party’s tactics to win elections still work. Same as they always have. But the Republicans never — not then, not now — intended to work at changing the communalist march to the Right Side of History. They never retook any of the ground they abandoned, in that “conflict” (not really a conflict, when you both game for the same goal). No, they did not “retreat”, strategically or otherwise. Throwing down you weapons and surrendering, is not a retreat. And, when chance put the communalists back on their heals, the Republicans — same as it always is — response is to tell them “Sit down and wait your turn. Again.”

    A change in that grand strategery would not be my grandfather’s Republicans. Nor is it mine.

  6. Yet again, nothing will come of this. It doesn’t matter who makes the call, no one will answer on the “right”.
    First, the “left” is organized by education at an early age. This allows them to group up and become a mob almost instantly. Devoid of independent thought or reason, they only require a few handlers to get the hoard into assault mode.
    Secondly, when they come, it will be with extreme odds against a single target.
    Thirdly, we are smarter than this. Forming some kind of squad (openly) would get noticed immediately and you’ll have the swat called on you, cuz killing terrorists (read as “actual Americans”) is what these guys train and live for. LEO is not your friend, doesn’t matter who they are, be it uncle, cousin, brother… they may tell you to your face they have your back but reality shows they side with their blue brothers EVERY SINGLE TIME… and your back, yeah they got that… in their sights.

    Finally, just how do we get together and turn this puppy around?!? Quietly, in the meat space, not here, out in street, airing your laundry. This is not the time or place to rally anything so get back to posting funny cat videos and talking about the latest celebrity tweet about starving kids in china.

  7. About 2 years ago, I responded to a comment I had read somewhere else, on CTH that, in essence, if we were to take less than a dozen leftards into the streets and put them down, our troubles would take care of themselves. Sundance, or one of his editors, blocked my comment and proceeded to block any posting I made that carefully insinuated any violence.

    Well folks, two years later and here we are. Care to make a comment on it now! I know how DJT feels now.

  8. Dumbplumber
    Same here with CTH. The Minute Men were not pacifist. In fact they were ass kicking bar brawlers. Look at our country compared to 50 years ago. Even 20 years ago. Clearly something needs to be done other than what we’ve been doing. This “high road conservative” routine pisses me off.

  9. Mr. Plumber,
    I couldn’t agree more with you. Problem is, your talking to a bunch of people with “Come and Take it” bumper stickers right next to the “Thin Blue Line”, and they don’t get the irony.

  10. Sum Random Guy

    Hell, a lot of guys I know that are ready for the revolt are LE. I’m guessing you don’t spend a lot of time on Twitter. If you spend some time there and read the threats that are made against conservatives I think you would realize we are pretty far down that road.

  11. Not on any social media. I was deployed when it all came out.
    Don’t understand the whole nonsense of the electronic life. I network in real time, with real people and real faces.
    When I was in office, my interactions with the Troopers showed how much they don’t actually know. I would trust my military brethren to assess the situation before shooting the first guy they see. Also, the civ types feel like they they have to empty the mag anytime they pull the trigger.
    Ergo, trust is at an all time low

  12. “Also, the civ types feel like they they have to empty the mag anytime they pull the trigger.
    Ergo, trust is at an all time low”

    There’ a lot of us out here that carry and train. Civs as you call them. What you describe above is what we see LE doing constantly. Some of them, most of them, have never felt a trigger reset.

  13. “Civ type” was meant to say LEO without military experience.
    There is a vast difference in the mental state and ability to process stressful situations. It can’t be trained, it must be lived.

  14. Facts and logic are still the correct answer – I don’t think lowering our arguments to the street brawl level is the right move… We need to spread Christian love to our enemies- but stay well armed. I don’t think we should brawl – but we need to defend our timeless ideas more than ever – yes with the 2A if that’s what it takes.


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